As I was about to adjust the volume on my headset, I heard someone calling my name faintly. I took a moment to move the headset onto my shoulders to ensure I was not imagining things.

"Mena!" my mother shouted again.

"I'll be right there!" I replied. After ensuring the coil was firmly in place, I slid out and took the charged credits from the Tholothian.

"Thank you, young lady. I can't believe someone would try to sabotage my pod racer this early in the game," he exclaimed.

"You're welcome," I replied, "I suggest finding a better place to store your pod so something like this doesn't happen again. Good luck with the race!"

He nodded his head with a smile and left. Then, I headed inside the shop, where my mom was waiting behind the counter, still clearly annoyed at me for coming in late.

"You called?" I asked charismatically. She playfully rolled her eyes and smiled as I handed her the credits.

"Yes, my dear," she said. "I need you to do me a favor."

I could sense where this was going and braced myself for what would come. "What do you need?" I asked hesitantly.

"Well, a potential buyer contacted us this morning and wants to meet in Salis D'aar tonight to conduct business," my mother explained. "Dashril and I have been talking, and we want you to meet up with the buyer."

I was momentarily taken aback; that was not what I had expected them to say. They wanted me to go to Salis D'aar and meet this stranger. "What?" I stammered. "Why me? I'm not good with negotiations. Why can't you two go?"

"Because we also have another group of long-time buyers coming in around the same time," my father interjected, joining my mother. He placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "We've discussed it and believe this would be a good opportunity for you to practice your negotiating skills. We've seen you work hard these past few years and know you're ready."

"What if I stay here and handle the buyers while you go instead?" I thought of every excuse. "Or maybe we can reschedule?"

"Mena!" my mom interrupted, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. "I know you're nervous, and it's our fault for not making you feel prepared for these kinds of meetings. But you don't need to worry. We trust you, and we know you'll do great."

I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked up at my parents. They seemed so confident in me. With a heavy sigh, I agreed to go as long as I could bring my blaster, just in case. My parents nodded in agreement, and we continued with the day.

It was a couple of hours before we usually closed shop, but my parents suggested I leave early so I would have enough time to spare if I got lost. They told me that Salis D'aar was the capital of Bakura, and it had three districts designed as concentric circles that were categorized by different-colored streetlights. I would be meeting with the client in the center district at a local cantina, Namana's Haven. However, I was still confused because Mom and Dad had not told me who exactly I was looking for.

"Don't worry," my dad said, sensing my confusion. "You'll know who you're looking for when you see them."

As I adjusted my helmet on my speeder bike, my parents approached me and hugged me tightly. "You'll do great, little moonstone," my mother reassured me, pressing a kiss on my forehead. With another squeeze, they let me go, and I sped off to the capital.

*Time Skip*

My parents were right about leaving early. After half an hour of driving through the middle district, I finally found a place to park my bike. It was far from the cantina, so I had to continue on foot. Walking through the yellow-lit streets, I noticed how similar this city was to Coruscant. The towering buildings that loomed above me seemed to stretch on forever, and the hustle and bustle of the city was almost overwhelming. But as I walked, I began to get my bearings and felt more confident. Maybe navigating the city wouldn't be so hard after all.

Soon enough, I saw the neon orange sign ahead and hurried my pace, but I stopped in my tracks as I got closer to the entrance. There, standing right in front of the door, were two stormtroopers; their shiny white armor and weapons glistened in the dim light. I felt the blood in my veins run cold, and I could barely breathe.

"Padawan!" My eyes snapped to my master as we ran out of the temple, a platoon of clones close behind us. I had never seen him look so afraid, but despite the moment, he blocked every laser bolt with such precision when I struggled to deflect one back at the clones.

"Go, Samena!" He shouted. "I'll hold them off! Get down to the lower levels! I will find you there!"

"What? No!" I retorted, "I am not leaving you!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My master, the one who had always been there to protect me, was now asking me to leave him behind. Not a chance. Without warning, my master abruptly turned his gaze to me, and in one swift motion, he thrust his hand towards me. I felt the Force lifting me off the ground and shoving me backward off the temple platform. Time seemed to slow down as I fell, I screamed and reached my hand towards my master, desperate to stay with him as his outstretched form faded from view.

I shook my head as my eyes grew watery; it was at this moment I knew who exactly I was making a deal with.

"The Empire." 

Hello readers, thank you for being so patient and for the votes; it means more than you realize. I promise this is the last time I use flashbacks for a while. Also, I want you guys to take a guess on whom I chose as Samena's master. Whoever gets it right will get a shout-out in my next chapter. Here's a hint: he was one of the High Council members during the Clone Wars. Thanks again, and see you later!

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