Chapter 3

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Heyo, thank you so much for your patience, and I hope you know that I am truly grateful for your interest. This chapter will include diegetic music (music within a story that the characters and audience can hear), as seen in the media section. I will let you know when to play the song. With that, I hope you enjoy Chapter 3.

As I stumbled into the kitchen, my hip collided with the table, jolting me back to reality. Then I realized how far I had walked without even registering the distance. I couldn't believe I had been so absent-minded that I didn't even feel myself going down the stairs.

I can't believe these memories are resurfacing again. "Jeez, I need to get a grip!" I scold myself, slapping a hand to my forehead. It had been so long since I had dreamt of that night. I thought I was getting better, but here I am again.

I shake my head and look out of the large kitchen window. The view never fails to calm me down. It's another sunny yet cloudy day, possibly leading to drizzle. The view from my parents' house is breathtaking. The house is relatively large and has a decent-sized workshop next to it. My parents had worked tirelessly to build this house. They had told me that after their business took off, they had enough money to purchase a home in the middle of the city, but they had preferred to live away from the bright lights and have a better night's sleep. So, they decided to build their new home an hour's walk from Gesco City.

I admire my parents for their decision. Despite running a successful business, they had never let their success get to their heads and had always chosen to lead a simple, isolated life. Not many people could manage that. I walked around the table, grabbed a sunfruit from the fruit bowl, and headed outside, where my speeder awaited me. As I climbed onto the seat and started the engine, my mind began to wander. Since I left Coruscant, I couldn't help but wonder if other Jedi survivors were out there, like me. I groaned, wishing my thoughts would leave me alone for just a moment.

Without another thought, I put my bike into gear and sped away from the house, knowing I'd get an earful from my parents when I arrived at the shop.

*Time Skip* (start music)

The shop was exceptionally busy today. By mid-day, my parents and I had already completed at least 50 commissions of repulser coil and 15 repairs. I guess the customers went to the other sellers south of us first, known around here to have multiple imperfections in their products. This time of year, there is a rush to find sponsors and buy the best parts for the pod race championship in Cantonica in a few weeks. Despite the heavy workload, it was good business today.

While working outside, I was listening to my favorite song on my headset while finishing welding a new coil piece underneath a pod racer. Long story short, the racer was in terrible shape. The coil was split in half, and a large slab of metal was lodged deep between the blades of the turbines. Additionally, several cables and airbrake flaps were severed. I was thankful that the owner brought it to us for repairs when he did. Otherwise, he would have had a severe accident on the track, and other places would have charged twice the amount for an inadequate repair. It was evident that this damage didn't occur on its own. The metal was too large and lodged too close to the center of the turbine, and the cables and coil were too clean-cut.

Since I started working in Gesco City, my parents and I have seen vandalism of all kinds on vehicles and businesses. It broke my heart to see people's hard-earned property being destroyed by common criminals who seem to gain pleasure from it. From broken windows and stolen vehicles to spray-painted storefronts and shattered glass doors. It's not just the material damage that hurts but also the emotional toll it takes on the victims. As a Jedi, I was always taught to uphold justice and protect the innocent. At times, I felt a strong urge to act and bring those responsible to justice. But I also know that it's not always wise to act impulsively. That was the Jedi way, even my way at one point, but now, taking matters into my own hands would only lead to more problems and potentially put myself and others in danger. If I didn't want to end up the same way the Order did, I needed to leave those problems alone.

Fallen Remnants (A Jedi: Fallen Order Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora