Merry Fucking Christmas!

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He didn't stick around to listen to Mandy's protests and pleading. Duff was done, he was over it. The constant bickering left Duff exhausted, wound up, dissatisfied and nothing they did seemed to work. Couples therapy? Well Duff was never around long enough to try being away on tour for their debut album Appetite for Destruction, opening shows from some of the biggest rock bands around only to steal the spotlight becoming more a headliner than opener. 

Truthfully the marriage was a rather hasty decision on their part, sure they dated for almost a year before he proposed. Duff was a romantic at heart, thinking Mandy was THE one to start a family but all they did was party, drink, and fuck. Their relationship hardly had a foundation not based in music and partying. So when they settled down to start married life, well it was just partying, fucking, and now fighting when he wasn't away. And for most of their marriage he was away on tour. 

The accusations of infidelity began immediately, a week or more after he left their honeymoon, taking almost half a week off of the tour to wed, surrounded by family, to jetting off days later to join his bandmates. He promised her he'd behave, groupies weren't his thing, he'd be faithful and honest. 

Drunk Duff was a whole other story. Soon the nightly calls came and the over the phone arguments erupted. Some nights he opted to ignore the phone, even yanking the cord out of the wall of the hotel room just so she couldn't call if she wanted to. 

Now the tour had ended the home he returned to was all strife, misery, and fights. So he drank, went out of the guys, his friends, other bands, jamming until late, returning home when Mandy was asleep. Their marriage was a failure that same week it began. It never had a chance. Neither were ready for the commitment, or prepared for the fame that Guns n Roses received. 

Finally as the holidays began, Duff was at the end of the line. He was done. There was no salvaging this. Unfortunately from the brief conversation with the lawyer from Geffin he was given stated that the divorce would be messy especially if Mandy could prove he was unfaithful on tour. She'd get a hefty settlement and alimony. Fuck! 

He decided whatever it took financially would be worth it. Duff wanted her out of his life. A fresh start. So as a Christmas gift he served her divorce papers and walked out. 

That was a shitty move, he knew that but was past the point of caring. 

With a bottle of vodka in hand he walked out, chugging the clear burning liquor down his throat. Liquid courage yadda yadda etc etc.

 Suddenly realizing the gravity of the situation, Duff nearly had another panic attack and stumbled down the road to a payphone where he called a cab. Once it arrived, the very drunk Duff with his bottle of vodka gave the cab driver a very specific address. 

Slash was lazing around in his underwear, his cat purring contently at his side as he watched the old black and white Charles Dicken's a Christmas Carol on the television. He spent all yesterday with his mother's family, returning late, and sleeping in. Later today he was gonna meet up with his girlfriend's family for dinner. Ugh. Meeting the parents was an anxiety inducing endeavor. It meant putting on some decent clothes.

He liked this girl well enough but they just started dating a month ago. Felt like things were progressing to fast for the smooth guitarist. 

Cradling a glass of whiskey, Slash was about to change the channel finding the old movie a bore when his doorbell rang. 

Oh fuck it better not be carolers! 

Hearing no singing, Slash wandered over to the door, opening it expecting his girl but instead found a very smashed Duff at his door step. 

Merry F***ing ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now