6. Repeatance.

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With the bells, canons and guns rang to the silence of the afternoon. The inauguration of the 16th president and country representative of the Republic of the Philippines had officially finished taking oath...

And certainly, Didn't it entertain many...

With every step he took inside the room, all eyes were on him as the whispers came running around the quiet room. Martial Law did felt overwhelmed, yet, he was hit with nostalgia at the same time.


Turning to his side, He saw his sister, Philia, holding her signature fan near her face, looking at him with her stern cold face as her eyes glance in another way to point.

"China and Russia, Is It?"

Philia bowed, as to pretending to pay respect, but it was too confirm her brother's guess.

"You may go now."

Martial responded with a whisper as the female scurried away into the crowds of people.


Upon greeting the person who called his name, a handshake was offered first as it was returned quickly by him.

"It has certainly been a long time, China."

"Indeed it is! Fascinating that you came back from the dead."

China joked as they took both their hands away. Martial knew that China had become arrogant during these recent years, yet, facing the Chinese now seemed to him as... Exhausting.

"I can assume that, from your tone of voice, you don't want me here, hmm?"

A break of silence colluded with the two countries, until the Chinese laughed loudly.

"My! You haven't change at all, comrade! You are still the same... Martial I knew from the cold war."

He could tell that the Chinese spat something unbecoming of him with that small cut off, from his sentence...

Of course, To fool the public, He had to play along.

"I'm glad you think of me that way."


Hearing a voice of a child from his below, Martial turned his gaze towards the twins of his pulling his sleeve with worries eyes.

"Oh, Is this your children?"


"Oh... How Intriguing."

China's gaze had a burning effect that was scaring the twin even more. Bill grabbed on to his father's clothes tightly, holding his sister's hand in an attempt to protect her, yet, both were scared, nonetheless.

"Please excuse my children, China, It seems they are in need of me."

"Please! Do take care of them very well..."

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