8. Family.

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Walking through the quiet halls of Malacañang Palace, Philip found himself wondering;

Where in god's name is everyone?

Yes, It was quiet as it should be. But, It was too quiet to even begin to compare... Was he hallucinating? He really can't remember the time he could roam Malacañang freely like this since he was appointed country representative several times in the past.

Then, Came Manila by the corner.

"Manila!", Philip called out.

"Ah, Kamahalan. What can I do for you?"

Manila replied, his arms seemingly stumbling upon a fat envelope filled with documents needed to be delivered down to the senate.

"What is that?"

"Oh, These are the new executive orders handed out by His Excellency earlier today."

The capital city smiled nervously. Philip could see in Manila's face that he had these large round black bags around his eyes as he looked a bit dehydrated...

"Is he overworking you, Manila? It has only been days since he was appointed and he's already abusing his power!"

"Goodness, Philip. No! In fact, I haven't had such little work in years!"


Manila fumbled his fingers in excitement, Scurrying to find something inside the envelope he held.

Afterward, The capital handed him a piece of paper.

"And this is?"

"Read it!"

Philip could see that Manila was exhilarated. In hesitation, He read the paper shoved onto his hands...

"In accordance to... A month off?!"

"Isn't that news! I only requested to his excellency a 2 days off yet, he gave me a whole month!"

Philip couldn't speak, as he was confused on how to feel about this. Should he cry? Be happy? Angry perhaps?

"Ah well, I have wasted your time, Kamahalan. I shall deliver this to the senate now, Please refer to Quezon for now. He would be my substitute for a while. Farewell for now!"

"Ah, Wait..."

Just before Philip could tell Manila what he wanted, The Capital city disappeared from his sight.

He wasn't certainly mad nor happy. Just relieved that his capital city finally got the vacation he always yearned and deserved. After being appointed as the direct and permanent capital city, Manila never really had any rest nor day offs, always being forced to work and sacrifice his health for the wellbeing of the whole country, better yet, the reputation of his metropolitan cities.

Sigh, Philip released his thoughts through a sigh as he continued walking forward, until, he reached the garden that he made in commemoration of his late parents...

Subsequently, He heard a child's laugh.

"Terrie! Get down from there!"

Another child's voice came...

"No way! Its so beautiful up here!"

"You're going to get yourself killed!"

Just what is..., Peeking around the tall bush corner, Philip saw two children with blazing crimson red hair. A boy stood below a tree trunk looking up to a girl, who sat on top of a branch.

"Children? What are you two doing here, unattended?"

They looked familiar. Yet, not in a way that he could recognize them.

"Ah! Ate Philia turned into a boy!"

Philia? , Philip was taken aback, looking down to the boy. This little boy reminded him of himself, yet, His look upon a country such as him was not normal.

Children would normally cry or laugh at the sight of a countryhuman, curious at some point. But, never draw a glare towards them with some sparks of countryhuman spirit behind them.

"Who are you? Why are you trying to impersonate Ate Philia?"

The boy demanded, glaring to Philip, as if threatening the country, who has seen this type of threats in the past...

"Hmm. The true question here is, Who are the two of you, dears? I never heard of guests letting their children roam around like this."

Philip slowly turned his gaze towards the girl on the tree. The Filipino's gaze pointed at her like a glare with a sharp knife towards her eyes. Yet, The girl was unfazed...

"Bill! He might be Ate Philia's twin! Don't you remember she said she have a twin that looks like her!"

The little one shouted down to her brother. Philip was impressed that both children knew of this knowledge and was completely unfazed with his small attack with country spirit...

"Bill! Terrie! Where are you, my dears?"

Philip then heard Philia's voice in the distance. He turned to look at the direction of the voice to see Philia as shocked as him to see each other at the same place.



Philia only nodded her head, and proceeded to pick up the male child from beside Philip, Looking up to the girl on the high branch.

"Come down, Terrie."


"I'll catch you."

Philip watched from the side, yet was constantly being attacked by his consciousness, seeing that his sister was already carrying a child and was attempting to catch another one in her arms.



"Don't. Just don't."

Philip gently let his sister's arm down...

"I'll do it. You're going to fall to the ground if you catch her with another one in your arms."

Philip, though taller than Philia for a few inches, Caught the child in his arms, and was perfectly fine.

"Thank you... I guess."

Philip said nothing as he let the child down to the ground. He doesn't even know whose child he just rescued, but, His consciousness was congratulating him for something so simple...

"Whose children are these, to roam without a single servant attending them?"

"Kuya's. Their Kuya Martial's youngest children."


"I suppose we should part ways now. I have to let these two back into the Palace, under Kuya's order."

Then, They left... Why? Why was everyone leaving him alone so soon.

Staring forward at Philia's back, They walked away very quickly. But, he saw the little girl he rescued wave goodbye at him for a moment, A smile upon her face as Philip waved back. She disappeared as soon as she put down her hand to her side...

Still holding a wave sign, Philip slowly flipped his hand, A sad expression upon his face.

Yearning? Loneliness? I thought I had forgotten these things long ago..., Philip reminisced the time he held his own child only to end up to a catastrophic end.

" Father! Why? Don't you love me anymore? I'll try to be better, Just don't send me away! Please! Father! Father! "

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