Recruiting the Fatui (Arlecchino x Reader)

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"May the archons be with me. Move now!"

I followed her command. I'm trusting her on this. Right when I moved the fish attacked. This isn't good. Within a second everything was freezing or in this case, frozen. It got chilly and the electrifying air around us started to freeze with small shocks every now and then. I looked at the rest of the team and they just looked like they saw a ghost. All of them were shocked? Maybe the air got to them.

I turned to see what they were looking at and saw Arlecchino and the big fish. The huge fish was frozen in place and Arlecchino's breath was steady.

"Y/N. My office when we get back. Everyone else can go."

Her voice was cold and stern. Oh archons may I rest in peace..


"You could have died back there! You're my best person I've got at this moment I can't let you die."

I was pissed. What else could I have expected though? She did state she was going to use me for my body..

"What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking lot's of things. I was thinking about how I could die right that moment. I was thinking if I was able to withstand a hit by the overstuffed teddy bear, I could withstand a hit from that giant fish. I was thinking about the rest of the team and thought 'Well all fatui missions are life or death.' That's what I was thinking and now I'm thinking about changing companies to find a harbinger that would probably actually care for me and side with my decisions!"

"Don't you see? I care about you. Why do you think I would risk my own life to save the rest of the team?"

"You have experience, I don't. Of course you could easily kill it. So 'risking your life' is just a stupid excuse. I'm leaving the fatui and I'll make sure to never come back." With that I left. I may have gone a little over board with the leaving the fatui but I don't back out of my word. I was just so pissed. I did everything to impress Arlecchino and now that I have her attention there's nothing I can do to get her attention back.

When I got to my room I started to pack up my stuff. I guess I left the door open because not a minute later The Captain came into my room.

"Where are heading off to Y/N?"

Where was I heading off to..? I was just so mad I didn't think about that.

"I don't know.."

"Is this about Arlecchino?"

"How did you-"

"Enough.. Alrecchino takes younglings under her wing. She cares about everyone she recruits just is terrible to express it. She cares about you I know that. Just go back to her office after you calm down."

"Yes sir.. But how do you know all this?"

"The walls are thin."

Of course.. But I guess The Captain is right. In a little I'll go back to Arlecchino's office and apologize.

It's been a few minutes now. The Captain is still here waiting for me to go. Why do I feel like I'm being pressured about this..

"Are you going?"

"Yep. Just, don't know when."

He looked down at his invisible watch. "You should go now before she's passed out. She also likes to leave her office around this time. It's not like your going to be in trouble or anything."

I'm so going to be in trouble.

"Fine, but I'm trusting you on this." I should probably stop trusting people so easily. Oh well..

I headed back to Arlecchino's office and saw the light was still on. That's a good sign.

"Hey Arlecchino.."


"That's me.. I would like to talk about something actually."

"Oh, me too.."

"You go first."

"No, you."

"I can't your my boss after all."

"How about the same time then?"


You both kept eye contact before she nodded her head saying that it was time.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry."


You both looked surprised at each other. I mean you both did just state the same phrase.

"Oh uhm.. I'm sorry for lashing out earlier. I was just pissed about the whole situation. I wanted to show you that I would sacrifice myself to let the rest of the team live."

"I'm sorry about lashing out too. You're my best person I have currently and just seeing you die in front of me knowing I could have done something to prevent it.. I'm just sorry.. But seeing you trust me and moving out of the way even though the rest of your team was there. It just felt like I had your respect. Thank you Y/N."

"Thank you Arlecchino for choosing me to be in your company. It truly is a honor. You also have my utmost respect."

I gave her a small smile as she did the same. I looked out her office and saw The Captain for a brief moment before he fled the scene. That little liar.. I looked back at Arlecchino and started to head out of her office.

"Oh and Y/N one more thing. I would like to reward you for your bravery today. Not everyone would do what you did today."

"Oh sure." I wonder what it is.

She pulled something out of her desk drawer. It was a small handmade medal.

"I made it a few years back to reward someone that I looked up too with their bravery. I think you should be the keeper of this medal.." She held it out. Some parts already falling apart from the years of tear and wear. I took it and admired it.

"I'll be sure to frame it when I get a chance. I think we should head off to bed though. We've had a long day.."

"Oh yeah, of course. Goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight Arlecchino."

And with that we went our separate ways. Once I arrived to my room I was so tired I just laid on my bed admiring the handmade medal once again. I put it on my nightstand and was about to fall asleep when I realized I still had my suitcase full of random stuff on my bed.

"Screw it.." I said in a small whisper before kicking it off.

What a good way to end today..

Fatui Harbinger one shots!  !!DISCONTINUED!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن