Chapter 7: Lunch, Hiyori, and Assets-chan

Start from the beginning

After some time, I heard a disturbance and looked up from my book. Over in the center of the library, were the Four Idiots, Kushida, and surprisingly, Horikita. They were making a lot of noise, arguing about how Horikita had insulted their intelligence or something.

Sighing, I tried to get back into my book when I heard an angelic voice.

"That's Farewell, My Lovely, isn't it?"

Looking up, I saw that it was the silver-haired girl that was reading in the corner. In her hands, she tightly clutched a copy of Wuthering Heights, a masterpiece by Emily Bronte. Cute.

"Uhh, yes, and you are?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Shiina Hiyori from Class C. And you are?"

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, Class D, pleased to meet you."

As I felt our conversation start to die down, I racked my supercomputer brain for some kind of conversation starter.

"Do you like her work? Bronte?"

"I don't really like or dislike it. But, I thought that I would give it a read."

"I see."

"By the way, that book you were reading - Farewell, My Lovely, it's wonderful, isn't it?" Saying this, her eyes started sparkling, glowing like an angel.

"I just happened to stumble upon it while browsing the aisles."

"You're quite lucky then. Many of Raymond Chandler's works are quite popular, especially among the second years. I've been wanting to reread it myself, but I wasn't able to find a copy."

"Well, I'm sorry for taking the book you wanted to read then," I responded apologetically.

"It's fine. I've already read it. Plus, I already have a book that I am currently reading."

"That's great then. I'd be willing to lend you the book after I'm done."

"Oh, you don't have to."

"It's fine."

"Okay then, thank you."

"No problem, sorry for nabbing the book first," I said as I got up to leave. She was probably sad and a bit angry at me right now for snatching her beloved book, so I should probably make my exit now.

"Oh no, it's completely fine." She said, stopping me in my tracks. "Was this your first time in the library?"

"Yes," I said, turning around to face her.

"Then, could I recommend a few books to you?"

"Sure..." She was quite the odd one. Usually, the students from the other classes would harass us for being Class D. But, I sensed no ill will from her. What a strange girl.

"I would recommend Whose Body? if you haven't read Sayers before. It's the first book in the series." She said happily as she pulled out several books from her book bag.


"Oh sorry, am I overwhelming you? If you don't want to read them, you don't have to." Shiina said, looking slightly despondent.

"Oh no, not at all. I was just a bit surprised. Well, if you don't mind, I'd be happy to give those books a read."

"Great!" Immediately, her face lightened. Her smile was like rays from heaven. Saying this, she proceeded to hand over the books she pulled out.

"Take as long as you need with these books. They're my own, so there's no rush to return them to me!"

"Thanks a lot then, in that case."

"Yeah, no problem."

As I was about to open my mouth, a jarring voice interrupted me.

"Damn you! Are you making fun of me!?"

"I am merely stating facts. Take it how you like."

"Screw you and your condescension! I don't need to be tutored by someone like you! I had to skip basketball practice for this!"

Saying this, Sudo scooped up his bags and left in a storm. Moments later, the other three left, leaving behind Kushida and Horikita.

"You all..." Kushida said as she trailed off, looking like she was about to cry.

"Go. Tell them that I won't be tutoring them anymore. They're free to fail and drop out. I don't care." Said Horikita, grabbing her bag and heading out as well. A few minutes later, Kushida also left.

Feeling bad, I decided to go and see if Kushida was alright.

"Sorry Shiina, I have to go. Class problems." I said, nodding over to the incident that just took place.

"Ah, I see. Well then, I'll see you around, Ayanokouji-kun."

"Yeah, see you around."

Yamagod POV

Sigh. What another dull day. It's getting increasingly harder to extort the seniors as word of my actions had already spread throughout the school. Nowadays, whenever I approach someone, they immediately flee.

Currently, I'm headed over to the library. I had gotten wind that the Four Idiots were having a study session there, so naturally, I decided to go and mess with them.

Entering the building, I saw Horikita stomping through the stairwell. Damn, don't tell me it ended that quickly? I'm impressed.

While ducking behind a corner to avoid being in her presence, I contemplated my next move. Ultimately, I decided to head over because I heard that Kiyotaka-kun was there. On my way over though, I saw Assets-chan walking down the hall. Farther down the hall, I spotted Kiyotaka-kun. What was this? A secret meetup between the two of them? I couldn't let an opportunity like this pass.

Quickly, I slid into the men's bathroom, leaving a tiny crack in the door so I could see where they were going. Surprisingly, Assets-chan made a sharp turn, going towards the rooftop. Kiyotaka-kun soon followed, ascending the stairs. Silently, I left the bathroom, treading through the empty halls in hot pursuit.

Oh, this was about to get interesting. 

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