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That was what she felt. Over and over again it played in her head. The dreams of her drowning and the awakening. The dreams of getting chased down. The feeling of fear and terror scorching through her body. The way her knees buckled as she tried to run away. She was unsure about what she had ran from but it played over and over in her head.
The blurry face of the person in front of her as she repeatedly drowned in the water. The water entering her lungs but never leaving. She never saw their face but she knew they watched her. They always have.

They were the reason for the emptiness and suffocation she constantly felt.
She did not know why the dreams had started again. Was it because of the constant fear that one day she would never be able to leave this place?

This place. The place she called home. The place she vowed she would leave one day.


The girl glanced to the boy at her side. Minho had a frown on his face as he stared at her. She had zoned out again. The dreams had started again and she had been trying not to think of it but she had been afraid to fall asleep lately. The suffocation and terror was enough for her to never want to sleep again. She didn't want to dream.

“You okay? You zoned out.”

“Oh, I was just thinking that maybe we need more runners.”

Minho sighed. “No, we don't. We have more than enough, Lia.”

The girl stared at the map that had been laid out in front of them. This was the map they had used to map out the maze. Three years prior Amelia and Minho had decided it would be best to try and seek a way out of this confined space. They had tried every method to find a way out of this maze until they found thst the only way they could get out was through the giant doors. Most of the gladers feared going outside the walls. The screams of the grievers instilled fear in them.

Amelia was not quite fond of it but they finally did and that was when they started mapping out the maze, seeking a way out. They had lost a few runners along the way as they searched high and low until they could not anymore. Amelia and Minho knew the maze like the back of their hands now, there unfortunately wasn't anything to map out anymore. Everyday they go out for any new passages that might open but so far there had been none.

“What we do need is more supplies. I hope we'll be getting some new hands next week with more supplies. We have been running a bit low,” Minho told the girl, as her eyes stayex on the map.

“Every day at least two people goes into the maze. If we had another runner then maybe we would cover more ground,” Amelia said to her friend as she played with the necklace around her neck. The necklace was the only thing the girl had that the people who put them here actually let her keep. She didn't know what the necklace was but it was her most priced possession.

Minho shook his head.

“What would be the use of adding another runner? We already mapped out the whole maze. Where else is there to go?” Minho questioned. He knew it was hard for Amelia since she had started this. She had given the boys hope that they could find a way out of the maze.

Three years and still nothing. Amelia believed that there had to be something they had been missing.

Amelia was frustrated. She did not want the fallen runners' sacrifices to be for nothing. They had died trying to find an exit.
The people who put them here had to have had an exit placed somewhere. There had to be something.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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