A mug, some flowers and the truth(2)

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chapter 2: a mug, some flowers and the truth

The moonlight was shining bright reflecting on the pond in Rose's garden. Silas was sitting at the end of the bench holding his pack of cigarettes, slightly shaking because of the cool midnight breeze. Greyson walked out the door with two glasses of juice. He carefully put the glasses down as he sat down on the bench. Silas put his head on Greyson's shoulder showing his pack of cigarettes suggesting he could have one.

"You still smoke the weak ones?" Greyson laughed while accepting a cigarette.

"Yours don't taste good, they hurt my throat." Silas answered while lighting his and passing on the lighter.

They both looked up at the clear midnight sky, stars lighting up the dark void giving it purpose, an occasional plane passing by. Greyson started to fidget with his cigarette, slightly pinching it with his thumb and index finger, rolling it around. He seemed nervous, almost out of his element. Silas picked up on this and started to worry; he took his arm and locked it into Greyson's.

"Are you okay?" he asked Greyson, grabbing his attention.

"i- uh yea just started to wander off." he answered.

Silas forced a smile "where were you wandering off too then?"

"galaxies away from here, a place where everything is different." Greyson began to explain.

" a place where Rose isn't rich and Hunter isn't smart where I'm not outgoing and you aren't-" he stopped himself looking down regret filling his eyes.

Silas took his head off of Greyson's shoulder "where i'm not what Grey?"

"i shouldn't have said anything i'm sorry" Greyson answered softly

"Where I'm not what Grey, tell me!" Silas incisted.

"Where you're not depressed Sil, where you're happy." Greyson tried to look Silas in the eyes but Silas avoided it.

for a moment you could only hear the wind blowing through the trees and the water moving around. Silas looked down, he felt guilty, guilty that his friends had to even think about stuff like that, guilty that he wasn't happy like the rest of them.

"I'm sorry" Silas began. "you shouldn't have to think about stuff like that, but thank you for doing so i know you're just worried but please, i'm alright"

"You always say you are but you're not Sil im'- I just don't want to lose you." Greyson said.

"You won't lose me, Grey I promise!"

Greyson grabbed Silas tight, holding him close for a minute. He loved Silas more than anything or anyone in the world, he loved spending nights with him in the garden trying to keep quiet to not wake up Hunter or Rose, he loved their Wednesday hangouts because Silas was there because when they hugged the whole world disappeared and it was only them. He never knew how Silas felt towards him until after the incident. both of them lit another cigarette and started talking like nothing happened, they started planning things to do the following days and during school, they talked about how Greyson crashed another party last week and when Silas would finally join the party scene. time flew by until Silas started yawning.

"I think it's best if you go to bed, Sil." Greyson said

"Yeah, let's go hit the hay for tonight.' Silas answered.

Silas and Greyson always shared a guest room at Rose's place. "no need to mess up two rooms when we fit in one!" they say. They tiptoed to their room and saw that they forgot to put a mattress on the floor.

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