I looked at the alarm clock Cesar had beside his bed. 10 am. I missed sleeping till late.

I got out of bed and went out of my bedroom to eat breakfast. I opened the door and saw Cesar and Oscar eating breakfast by the table. They were eating eggs with bacon. Cesar was looking satisfied while Oscar had his everyday, annoyed look on his face.

'Buenos dias' I yawned and went to go grab whatever food there was from the fridge. 'Tienes desayuno en la mesa' Oscar told me, pointing with his head at the full plate at the table.
(You have breakfast on the table)

'You didn't poison it, did you?' I joked, closing the refrigerator door and sitting at the table. I immediately started devouring the breakfast Oscar made me.

I haven't eaten this good in years. Food at the orphanage wasn't bad, it was just like what people at school get in those movies. You know the food that looks dry and stuff.

Oscar is a great cook. He makes the best food. If he wasn't a gang leader, he would've been the best cook in the world.

'Good?' Oscar asked, chuckling at the non-ladylike way I was eating. 'Meh' I shrugged my shoulders, continuing eating the most delicious food.

'How was the hunting session last night?' I joked, seeing Oscar's pissed off face. 'They won't bother you anymore' was all he said.

I have no problem with him hurting or killing them. Sounds harsh, I know. But those were awful people.

The Smiths were one of the rich families is Chester. They seemed like the perfect family and it surprised me that they wanted to adopt a 17 year old. No one wants to adopt a 17 year old.

When they finally adopted me, it was torture. Sure they were nice in the beginning. The first 3 months. I thought I finally ended up somewhere normal. Jokes on me.

Jared was their 18 year old son. He was really nice to me at first. I thought we could become friends. But then I started getting uncomfortable with him. Then the day came he started becoming violent and creepy.

He did things I didn't want to and beat the shut out of me. I tried to go to his parents for help, because I actually started to kind of trust them.

Turns out they just adopted me to look good in front of their rich friends. All of it kept going so I ran away.

Now we're here.

I finished my breakfast and drank from the orange juice Oscar put in a glass for me. 'Can you give me some bus money?' I asked Oscar. 'I didn't have time to steal some money from them before coming here.'

Oscar stared at me. Cesar looked between Oscar and me nervously. 'Where are you going?' Cesar asked me.

'Back to the orphanage. They will probably have heard it by now that the Smiths are dead. So I have to go back before they think I'm missing or something-'

'You're not going anywhere.' Oscar interrupted me. I looked at Oscar confused. 'You're staying here' he said sternly, before looking back at his phone.

'I'm not staying' I told him, furrowing my eyebrows. Oscar closed his eyes and took a breath.

'Why would I stay somewhere where I'm not wanted?' I raised my eyebrow at him. 'I want you to stay here' Cesar smiled at me. He's the cutest.

'We will keep in contact, hermano, don't worry' I smiled at him.

'You're not going anywhere' Oscar said again. 'I'm leaving' I responded. Cesar looked between us nervously again.

'I'm calling the orphanage and tell them you're gonna stay here for good. I'll handle everything'

'I don't want that! I'm almost 18, I can go do my own thing!' I exclaimed. 'I don't care. You're gonna be living under my roof' he repeated sternly.

'Why do you want that? You didn't even want me in the first place. Now all of the sudden you want me to live here again?' I started getting angry.

'You send me away because you didn't care about me, now all of the sudden you care about me again? This is bullshit!' Oscar slammed his fists against the table, making Cesar and I jump.

'You're gonna stay here, end of discussion' he got up from the table and began washing his plate.

'You can't make me do anything. You're not dad' I got up and followed him to the kitchen. 'At least dad wanted me. At least dad fucking contacted me from time to time! You don't give a shit about me! You already ruined my life once, you can't do it again!' I yelled at him, going into Cesar's room and slamming the door behind me.

I heard Oscar sigh and leave the house, also slamming the door behind him.

I got out of my comfy clothes and put on a jeans and t-shirt from my backpack. I'll walk to the orphanage.

I heard soft knocking on the bedroom door. I opened the door and saw Cesar standing there with an awkward smile on his face.

'I'm going to school. I just wanted to say bye' he smiled with his backpack on. 'And bye for if you did go back and I won't see you again'

I opened my arms and Cesar waisted no second in hugging me. I missed my little brother. 'We will keep in contact, okay? I promise' I broke out of the hug and smiled at him.

'Its the orphanage on Saint Lioto, come visit me, okay? Just you. Not the ugly one' Cesar laughed and hugged me again.

'Go to school, you're gonna be late' Cesar smiled and jogged out of the house.

I went into Oscar's room, opening drawers while looking for some cash. The drugs and guns didn't scare me, I grew up with the Santos.

I opened a drawer and saw a shit ton of cash. Don't mind if I do.

I grabbed a few hundreds and put them in my jeans pocket. I grabbed a five for the bus.

I went back into Cesar's room and made sure my backpack was packed again. I put on my air forces that the smiths got me. They got me everything from clothes, to gain my trust. But I'm happy I got new shoes. The old all stars I got as a donation were scuffed and too little.

I put on my backpack and went out of the house. Most of the Santos were sitting on the lawn, turning their heads as they hear the sound of the door closing behind me.

They were a few new members and a few I did recognize from when I was younger.

I tightly smiled and went to go walk to the bus station. But the first step I took, Sad Eyes stopped me.

'Where you going?' He stood up in front of me. 'Out' I answered. 'Where?' He repeated, dropping his cigarette to the floor and stepping on it.

'None of your business' I responded. I tried to get past him, but he held his hand up, not making me leave.

'Does you're brother know?' He asked, raising his eyebrow. 'Yeah, Cesar knows' raising my eyebrow back at him. The only brother I have.

'The other one' Sad Eyes sighed. 'Look, Sad Eyes. Why don't you mind your own business and let me leave, alright?'

Sad Eyes chuckled and shook his head at me. 'You're not leaving, Daniela. Either you stay here or I'm calling Oscar' he tried threatening me.

I looked around and saw no place for me the be able to run without them catching me. So I had a plan.

'Fine' I groaned, going back to the house and to Cesar's room.

I'm getting out of here.

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