The queen raised her voice slightly. "If we lose, and Tom Riddle cuts us down, we must look him in the eye while he does it. We need him to know that others will rise up in our place. The British people will not go quietly. Not while they have air in their lungs and blood in their veins. They will fight him, time and time again. And in that way, he can never truly win. Not in the end."

The Prime Minister knew there was nothing he could say to make the queen go into hiding. But then he remembered that she had phoned him.

"Is there something I can do for you ma'am? Anything or anyone I can send over to you?"

"No," she said. Then she cleared her throat. "I telephoned because...because I wanted to wish you good luck, Prime Minister."

He swallowed, in all his years of service the queen had never expressed so much emotion in a single sentence.

His voice shook slightly.

"Good luck, Your Majesty," he said.

"Good luck, Prime Minister," she said again, and he could almost swear she was smiling. 


A blaze of lights illuminated central London, as spells collided with muggle firepower.

The Magical Alliance launched their curses from the heart of the city, striking Voldemort's army as they advanced on the Thames.

Muggle planes moved into formation over the skies.

Commander Braaten flew his winged horse over the House of Parliament, flanked on each side by members of the Order, searching for Voldemort.

They descended deeper into the city, spotting him in the center of the chaos.

But at that moment the muggles planes dropped their bombs, and the resulting explosions forced Braaten and the others to fly higher.

Voldemort vanished from sight, and a short distance away, a shower of sparks illuminated London's famous clock tower, just as it tolled the midnight hour.


Hermione and Nerina walked up the spiral steps of St. Paul's Cathedral.

"Why are we here?" Hermione asked. "This isn't where it's hidden..."

Gryffindor's sword hung at her waist, making it very difficult to climb.

"We're here to visit an old friend," Nerina replied, as they reached the Golden Gallery. It encircled the highest point of the cathedral's outer dome.

They pushed a door open and went outside.

They were able to see the London skyline, and in front of them was a man with dark hair. He wore a long cloak that billowed in the wind, and the moonlight shone on his pale skin, giving him the appearance of a marble statue.

His golden eyes locked onto Hermione's.

"Sebastián?" she whispered.

He circled around her, and she felt an electric current shoot through her. Her eyes lost focus. There was a familiar ringing in her head and her muscles contracted as he pushed his way into her mind.

"You have come a long way from your days at Hogwarts, Ms. Granger...but always, you think of Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter. You wonder if they still draw breath. You love them both, but in different ways..."

Hermione gasped as Sebastián released his hold on her mind.

"You must not think of them, for now you will journey to the most dangerous of places. All these years, and I was never able to find the entrance to the legendary vault...but you have, Ms. Granger."

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