Chapter 6

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It has been days since Sam left Egypt and he's been walking through the desert sand as he felt like he was walking through it in months.

Exhausted from walking, Sam feeling so hot and dying to drink some water collapse on the desert sand.

Twenty minutes later, a camel was walking by and noticed a unconscious man laying on a sand. It sniffs at him before licks at the back of his head.

Sam woke up when he felt something wet on his head and lifted his head. Through his blurry vision, he sees a camel looking at him for a short time but walking away.

He noticed a bottle of water hanging on the bag that it's carrying. With no time to lose, Sam stands up and hurry to grab the bottle. But couldn't open it, he hold on to it instead and let the camel taking him to anywhere. If that camel belongs to someone, then it can take Sam to the campaign or a town even and he'll find some water there.

The camel arrives in the campaign and Sam fells off the bottle. Sam lifted his head and found a fountain of water. He hurry to the fountain, dunk his head in the water, and drinks it. It really feels and tastes so good to have a cool fresh water on his face and his mouth.

Sam then heard a scream. He lifted up his head from a water and saw two men bothering three young girls. It looks like those bad men were trying to steal some sheep and water from a well and those brave girls were trying to stop them.

One of them who is brown-orange skirt fur man who was going to steal some water from a well and the other is light purple fur man who tossed one sheep and pushing the girls who keeps stopping them.

Three young girls were not covering in fur. In fact, one of the girls has a pink-red hair with a pink bow on her hair and her skin is yellow, the second one has a lavender hair and her skin is light gray, and the third has a short purple-red hair and her skin is light orange. They were trying to stop those men from stealing, but they keep pushing them away.

Sam can't let those thugs get away with this. He looked around so he can find a way to stop this. He then saw a couple of camels which belongs to those thugs and had an idea. Sam snuck to the camels and untied the reins.

The thugs pushed the three girls out of their way before they were about to continue the steal. Five people heard a whistle. "Excuse me, men. Are these camels yours?" Sam asked holding the reins. Sam hits the camels behind to sent them running out with the thugs chasing from behind.

Three girls stares at the men who ran out of their home in surprise and turned to the small fur man who saved them. Sam felt exhausted before lean on the well. But before anyone could even warn, Sam fell in.

The girls grabbed the rope connected to the well and was ready to pull. A girl with pink bow called out to the well, "Sit on the bucket and we'll pull you up!" She turned to her two friends. "Ready, Sweety Bell and Scootaloo?" Sweety Bell and Scootaloo said, "Ready, Apple Bloom!" "And pull!" With brute force, they pulling the rope to bring the bucket with Sam up.

Seven older girls were walking by an saw three girls pulling a rope up. One girl has a purple skin, wearing glasses, and her hair is moderate violet with brilliant rose streaks which her name is Twilight Sparkle.

The second named Sunset Shimmer's hair brilliant amaranth and skin is light amber.

The shy one hair is light pink with yellow skin. Her name will be Fluttershy.

The cowgirl hair Applejack is light olive, wears a cowboy hat, and skin is light amber.

The fifth whose beautiful hair is moderate purple and skin is light sapphire bluish gray which her name is Rarity.

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