Chapter 3

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Sam raced back to the palace. He jumped out of his chariot after told the servants to hide it and ran down the yard. He climbed up the vines that connected to the window.

The prince crawled in his room and looked around. Luckily, Guy isn't around yet. Sam sighed in relieved.

"Sam, are you in your room?" Guy called from down the hall. Sam gasped afraid.

He rushed around to get himself dressed with his servant's help. Sam noticed the mess he's in when he looked at the mirror. Sam gasped again. If Guy sees the mess, he'll be in big trouble.

"Sam?" Guy called as he's getting closer to Sam's room. Sam quickly grabbed the wet napkin and wiping the dirt off from his fur. He noticed the doorknob is turning.

As soon Sam got himself nice and clean, he stands like nothing has ever happened when Guy opened the door. Sam cleared his voice and said politely, "Hello, dear brother of mine."

Guy smiled and said before he walks up to his brother, "There's my little treasure." He got down on his knee and hugged Sam.

Guy pulled back when he noticed something odd. "That's weird. I feel something so, whimsy." He checks around Sam's face to see anything on him.

"Guess it was nothing." He shrugged his shoulders and placed a kiss on Sam's forehead before got up and walked to behind Sam who sighed in relieved.

Guy said, "So, I'm pretty sure you've heard that we're having a party tonight." Sam said, "Yeah, I've heard. But, you know, maybe I could come tonight." Guy said, "Sam, you know the answer is always no." He said, "But Guy, I've never been to any parties or balls or anywhere. I've kept hearing how great it was or how fun. So, please, Guy, I'm begging you. Can I come to the party? I promise I'll behave."

The older prince said, "It's not about your behavior. It's about any people can hurt you or worse. I hate to see what'll happen to my favorite baby brother." Sam said, "Okay, first off, I'm your only brother. And second, I'm not a baby anymore. I can take care of myself." Guy said worrying, "And that's what's scares me. Look, Sam, I'm sorry. But I can't risk if something happens to you."

Sam promised, "Come on, Guy. I promise I won't communicate with anyone in the party. I'll be so quiet that you won't even know that I was there. Please, Guy, can I at least come?"

Guy looked at Sam's hopeful eyes. He wanted to be the party so bad. The Prince still afraid if any royal people take one look at Sam, they'll be asking a lots of questions about him. Then again, they were asking about what Sam looks like and why wasn't he around. So, maybe he can come.

Guy sighed and said, "Alright, Sam, you can come. But just one night." Sam cheered, "Yes! Whoohoo! I cannot wait!"

Tonight arrived and two princes standing in front of the curtains, ready to pronounced themselves. "I am so nervous." Sam admitted feeling scared. Guy said, "Hey, don't worry. Mom and Dad are out there and I'll be with you by your side." Sam smiled and took a breath and exhaled.

The brothers walked through the curtains and the crowd were applauding as soon they saw the princes. Sam looked around at the people and smiled. He thought he'll stay nervous, but it somehow gone away.

Sam waves at the people. Until some dozens of Egyptian guards surrounded Sam, blocking his view.

"Seriously, Guy? This is so overkill." Sam groaned annoyed. Guy whispered, "Overkill if anyone discovers the truth about you. Killing you, over and over again." Sam was about to ask, but Guy already walked to another royal and started a chat.

"Sam, you've finally made it." Sam looked and saw his friend coming close to him. Sam said, "Hey, Snerz. I'm glad that I'm here too." Snerz moves a little closer to Sam and whispered, "Okay, I'm glad you're here, but what's with the guards?" Sam whispered, "Apparently, Guy still hasn't even drop down his overprotective status. And worse of all, I hardly see anything."

"King Snerz, I'm glad you're here, but what you doing near the guards?" Guy asked suspiciously when he was close to the guards. Snerz looked at Sam, then at Guy, trying to think of a good excuse.

Snerz lied, "I was...talking to one of the guards. Definitely not someone behind them which I have never met in my entire life." One of the guards was in question. He was about to ask, but Sam elbows him from behind. The guard looked behind him and sees the young prince was mouthing him not to say a word about their secret friendship. The guard lied, "Uh, I...I mean, yes. We are. Talking about something like..." Snerz added, "Like I've brought a little present that I've captured." Guy started to wonder.

"Hmm, okay. Let see what you've got." Guy believed their lies. Snerz nodded and said, "Of course. Goat, Phil. Mind fetching our little guest?" Phil who was eating an apple heard Snerz and asked, "Guest? We've have a guest? Since when?" Goat groaned annoyed while rolling his eyes and reminded, "Hello? The no fur girl?" Phil doesn't get it as he kept looking at Goat.

"Five fingers?" He still doesn't understand. Goat groaned, facepalmed, and added one thing. "Her pink hair is like a cotton candy." Phil said understanding, "Oh! That girl. Great idea." He annoying said, "Just go and get her. Idiot." As Phil went out to get the girl, the Goat began the announcement.

"By the power of Ra, we presented to you your delectation and delight, an exotic apparition stolen, from faraway land." Goat announced as he started circling around the smoke and the tent raised up from it. The tent bent down and revealed a girl with no fur at all, sitting on the camel. Her skin is all pink, her pink hair is like a cotton candy, wears Egyptian clothing, and her wrists were tied up.

Sam tries to take a peek to see the girl. He managed to see her. He stares at her, realizing how beautiful she is.

"May I present to you, this delicate desert flower." Goat said and yanked down the rope, pulling the girl off the camel, and closer to the young royals. The girl glares at Snerz and Guy.

Snerz smirks and walked to her. He asked Guy holding her cheek, "What do you think about this desert flower?" The girl snarled and nearly bites his hand if Snerz didn't quickly yanked his hand back. "Or more like desert cobra."

Guy laughed and teased, "You're not really a snake charmer, are you?" Snerz said, "Very funny, Guy." The furless girl growled, "I be given to no one! Especially to that fat man dog-like!" Snerz asked Guy, "Are you gonna let her talking to you like that?" Guy said glares at her, "Listen here, you have no right to disrespect the prince of Egypt." "Oh, you want respect? Okay. I'll give you some respect. Here it is!" The girl said and she pulled her tied up wrists back, pulling the rope out of Goat's grip. The crowd gasped.

Couple of guards rushed to stop the girl. Sam gasped, afraid that she might get hurt. Guy ordered his men to stop and grabbed the rope. "I demand you to untie this rope and set me free! Let me go!" The girl shouted. "Okay, you've asking for it." Guy said and let go the rope. The desert flower girl fell in the pond and got super wet. Everyone laughed at her. But not the Queen nor Sam. The two felt so sorry. Snerz laughed and said to the servant, "You there. Take her to the guestroom and dry her up. And don't forget about getting her a new fresh clean clothes." The servant lifted the girl up to her feet and bringing her to the guestroom.

The girl looked behind her and glares at the people and the royals. She then noticed someone being surrounded by the guards. She sees a little man was looking at her. She noticed something in his eyes. It's not like he was enjoying it. He felt so bad and sorry for her and wanted to do something. The girl sadly smiled at Sam before the servant takes her away.

Sam can see that the girl wasn't glaring at him. He could see her eyes saying it wasn't his fault. As soon this party is over, he has to see her and talk to her.

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