Chapter 1

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Adreanna's outfit ^^^

I walked around the maze I call home, looking for my twin brother, well my house isn't really a maze, its a palace, but the layout would put Hogwarts to shame. I walk past the ginormous ball room when I heard my brother's voice. I entered the ball room to see him and find him lying on the floor smoking a joint with a nerf gun in his arm. He looks at me, gives me a charming yet sad smile and pelts me with nerf bullets. "Stop Ash, I will fucking kill you! What the fuck is wrong with you?" I whisper yelled, knowing from experience that loud voice echo around the palace from this room. 

"I... never mind you will find out." He mumbled under his breath but not low enough for me to not hear it. "What? Tell me?" I asked him, preparing to be the persistently annoying sister if I have to. "Okay, I overheard mum and dad talking-" "Overheard or eavesdropped?" I cut him off with a knowing smirk. "Eavesdropped. You know I eavesdropped, you don't even have to ask." He admitted with a grin. 

He offers me the joint and I take it, lying on the floor with him. We often do this, lie around in random places wearing expensive clothes, and just talk. Even though he was 12 minutes younger than me, he acts like my older brother, I didn't really care even though we already have one, speaking of, Nicholas appeared at the huge mahogany doors and peeks inside. I patted the floor beside me as I passed the joint to Ash and beckoned him to join us. He looked at the joint in horror, he quickly came inside and closed the door. "Asher Alexander Salvatore, why are you smoking in closed rooms? You are so dead if mum and dad find out! And Adreanna Aurelie Salvatore, you are a princess, act like one for fuck's sake!" He looked at us as he finished his rant. 

"Nicholas James Salvatore, you are the heir to the throne, don't curse in front of the crowned prince and princess of Kingston, what will the queen say?" I whispered with fake horror lacing my voice. He looked at me with an unamused face before looking at my brother "Ash, the new horses arrived an hour ago, if you want to meet them, you can go, but be back in 2 hours we have a formal dinner." Ash was on his feet before Nicholas finished and left me with Nico. "Drea, what are you wearing?" Nico asks as he sat on the floor beside me. "Clothes, maybe you have heard of them brother dearest." I said with a smile. He gave me a deadpan look and I found myself saying "It's a pair of black ripped jeans with a white crop top, before you ask no I am not changing it, if you get to wear what you want, then so do I." 

"You have to attend the dinner too. Wear something a little less ripped. Don't be late." With that he kissed my cheek, got up and left the room. 

 I forgot that I didn't find out what was bothering Ash, but I'll ask him after dinner I suppose.

I went back to my room, decided to watch Only Murders In The Building before I had to leave for dinner. 

What I did not know was that this dinner would change my life, in the worst way possible. 


So, how was it?
It's not very long, but I have a chemistry test tomorrow, which I know nothing about, so yeah, I gotta study, and I just wanted to get the story started.

comment/message me what you liked or what I can improve!

until next time!


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