"What do you mean 'so much shit that we shouldn't have done'?" Ni asked, raising an eyebrow, looking at her mom suspiciously. 

"He was out there giving me hickeys and shit, touching me all over my body." Her mom began, as Ni widened her eyes. "And that's not even the half of it, we did way worse like-"

"Aight, aight, aight. That's enough." Ni said, evidently traumatized. "I wish I didn't even ask."

"No, it's good to know these things." Her mom replied, laughing. "'Cause even though I don't regret any of it, I still wish I had slowed down a lil, I was only a kid. I was Amari's age, I can't even imagine my little boy doing all that."

"Better start imagining it, Ma. Ya son's a womanizer." Amari said, talking about himself in the third person as he entered into the kitchen, chiming in on their conversation. "These bitches love me."

"Amari, I raised you better than to call girls or women bitches." Their mom said, sounding slightly disappointed.

"Right, you got not respect." Ni said, agreeing with her mom. "And shutup, you not no womanizer." 

"You always on my dick, Ni." Amari said, rolling his eyes. "Go kiss ya boyfriend." To which Ni responded by punching him in his gut. 

"Amari, stop cussing." Their mom said, checking on the rice that was cooking in the pot.

"Ma, she just punched me." He said, clutching his stomach. "Shit hurt too."

"Then don't talk about her personal life." Their mom said, clearly unbothered.

"Exactly." Ni said, rolling her eyes. "And I already told you he's not my boyfriend, so shutup."

"That's not what he told me." Amari said, smirking as he sat down next to her.

"Oh, you've met him Amari?" Their mom asked, coming back into the conversation.

"Met him? Me and Notti go way back, that's my big bro." He said, smiling.

"I already told you that all those things he says, he's just playing witchu'." Ni replied, mugging him.

"His name's Notti?" Their mom questioned, furrowing her eyebrows.

"No, it's Dinero. But everybody calls him Notti though." Ni replied, running her fingers through her hair again.

Their mom laughed loudly. "Fuck kind of Spanish ass name is that?"

"Mom, stop I think it's cute." Ni said, laughing slightly and rolling her eyes.

Mom and Amari laughed. "His name is just money, what's cute about that?" Her mom replied, still laughing.

"Aight, I'm going now 'cause y'all are being rude." Ni'mari said, standing up.

"We just messing witchu', Ni." Her mom said, chuckling. "Look at you defending your man."

"He's not my man, bro. But Imma still stick beside him though." Ni said, rolling her eyes playfully.

"He always calling you his wife to me." Amari said, shrugging.

"That's just how he talks, he doesn't literally mean it." Ni responded, sighing as she was bored of repeating herself over and over again.

"Awww, cute." Amari said, sarcastically.

"Amari, you talk too much." Ni said, scowling.

"Y'all are  cute." Her mom said, smiling. "Maybe he can come with you and TeeTee next week to your dad's house so he can meet him."

"Nah, what? Already?" Ni replied, laughing as she walked away. "Ya losing me."

"Whatever, Ni." Her mom said, laughing. "But just make sure you come and talk to me before y'all do anything, okay? So I can give you advice." 

𝐖.𝐀.𝐘.𝐒︱𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐈 𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐀حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن