"Come sit at the table in the kitchen. I'll make something to eat," I say, turning the kitchen light on.

He sits and watches me heat up some leftover pizza from my dinner last night. I put a piece on his plate and hand it to him while getting my own piece and sitting down also.

He takes a bite and says, "This is amazing!"

"Is it really that good? It's just regular pizza," I say and take a bite myself.

"I haven't had pizza in forever. I missed it," he says and continues eating. I realize at that moment that he never told me his name.

"You never answered my question earlier," I say. He looks up from his plate to me. I hand him a napkin and he wipes his mouth off and answers me.

"Oh... yeah..." he says. He sets the rest of his pizza down.

"My name is Riki, what's yours?" He says.

"Minji," I say back. "Riki is an interesting name. Are you Korean?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Actually, I'm not. I'm from Japan," he answers.

"Oh, Japan! Is it nice there? I've always wanted to travel to Japan," I say.

"I didn't live there for very long before coming to Korea. I don't even speak Japanese," he tells me and takes a bite of his pizza.

"Oh, sorry," I say awkwardly and look down.

"No, there's nothing to be sorry for, you were just asking me a question. It's fine," he says. I look back up at him and see him smiling again. Why does he have to smile like that? I feel like makes me trust him too much...

"So where do you work?" He asks.

"I work at a restaurant down the street. It's not a very big restaurant, so I don't have a specific job there. I just do whatever they need me to do," I explain. He nods and takes another bite of his pizza.

When Riki finishes eating, he walks to the sink and washes his plate. He dries it and puts in back in the cabinet that I grabbed it from.

"Is it okay if I go shower then sleep?" He asks me.

"Of course, you don't have to ask. The bathroom is the door to the right of your room," I say. He nods and disappears upstairs.

I also wash and put up my plate after I finish. I turn off all the lights and make sure all the windows and door are locked and close all the curtains. Then I head upstairs to wash up and sleep.


My alarm rings, making me open my eyes only to be blinded by the bright sunlight. I close my eyes again to block the sunlight out.

"Minji! It's time to go to work!" I hear someone yell. My eyes shoot open and I see Jake standing by my bedroom door.

"Jake! What are you doing here?" I say and sit up immediately.

"Uh, I was going to pick you up for work today. If that's okay with you..." he says in a careful manner as if he's trying to make sure I don't yell anymore.

"Uh, yeah, that's okay. Did you just get here?" I ask and walk over to close the curtains that Jake must've opened when he came in.

"Yeah, I came right up here. Why?" He asks.

"Nothing important. I was just wondering. You didn't happen to go into the guest room... did you?" I ask, praying that his answer will be no.

"No, I didn't. You're bring weird. Why can't I go into the guest bedroom?" He says. Then a smile grows on his face and he turns around and runs out of the room.

"No, Jake!" I yell and run after him. Luckily I run faster than him so I caught him before he could open the door. I block the handle so he can't get to it.

"What's in there that I can't see? I stay in there all the time! There's nothing I haven't seen before!" His voice gets louder with every sentence that comes out of his mouth.

"It's just gotten really messy. I've had a lot of boxes of things sent from my parents so it's just... it's a mess and I don't want you to see it," I tell him. "And you do not come over here all the time. The last time you slept here was like 4 months ago!"

"Whatever, I still come over here a lot," he says and crosses his arms. "Just let me see! I'm curious!"

"No, Jake! If you want breakfast, you better go downstairs right now. And if you open this door, then you'll never eat breakfast at my house again," I say strictly. He throws his hands down and a pout grows on his face.

"But I love the breakfast you make..." he says sadly.

"Then you better go downstairs," I say. He turns around slowly and walks down the stairs.

I sigh in relief as I open the door to check on Riki.

Only problem is... he isn't there. The bed is made perfectly and there's no trace of him ever being here.

I go in and close the door quietly then whisper for him.

"Riki... Riki... where are you?" I whisper. I hear the closet open and I see him stick his head out of the closet.

"Who was that?" He asks me, wiping his eyes. He must've just woken up.

"That was my friend, Jake. I don't know why he decided to come over this morning, but he did. I'm sorry for that," I say.

"It's no problem," he says and stands up and steps out of the closet.

"How did you fit in there?" I ask, looking at the small closet.

"Uhm... I'm used to hiding in small spaces..." he says awkwardly.

"Okay... well, I have to go make breakfast for Jake and I and get ready for work. I'll leave some in the fridge for you after we leave," I tell him and he nods, sitting back on the bed and yawning.

"I'll see you this afternoon then," I say and leave the room, locking it on my way out. Now Jake can't get in there.

I walk down the stairs and see Jake on his phone at the table.

"What took you so long up there? Geez..." he scoffs.

"Shut up, Jake. You're just mad that I won't let you in the room," I say as I start chopping some fruit.

"I still wanna see what's in there..." he says under his breath.

"What did you say?" I stop and look at him.

"Nothing!" He says and goes back to his phone.

I make some fruit salad and serve Jake and I. We eat quickly and I put the remainder of it in the fridge for Riki later. Jake washes the dishes for me and I go upstairs to get dressed in my work clothes.

After about 30 minutes, we leave the house, heading to work for the day.

(A/N : I want to thank everyone who is showing as much support to this book as You're All I Need. It really means so much to me and your comments are what keeps me writing! So thank you all so much and I hope that my writing can meet your expectations in all my future books. As always, remember to vote if you enjoyed and have an amazing day/night! <3)

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