Chapter 16 - Save The Broken

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The day has come for them where they can be finally happy with each forever under marriage. Izuku is in his chamber getting ready as Mina help with his makeup look good. "You all done Mama Izu!" Mina said as she did the last touch on his face. "Thank you, Mina." "anything for Mama Izu." The two giggle as one can't believe it's the day he has been wanted for so long. A knock was on the door. Mina opens to reveal Katsuki at the door. "Kacchan, is it time?" He nods with a smile. "Yeah, come on, it's time for the lineup for us to enter." Izuku walks with Katsuki and Tenko to his father. "I can't believe I'm getting married." Izuku couldn't hold the smile on his face. "And you going have a kid too." Tenko smiled at his brother as he committed on how far he was in, which was only two months. He is still now showing, so it was good for him. "Well, that's our cure for us to walk. See you inside." Hawks with a grin on his face as he is the best man for Izuku. Mina, Tenko, Katsuki, and Hawks follow by order and walk down the ally with Eri following behind them, being the follower girl as she begs.

The door closes once again once Eri enters as Izuku and his father is next to each other. "You look so beautiful, son." "Thank you, dad." He wraps his arms around his father as getting ready to walk. He holds onto his bouquet tightly. His song starts to play as everyone stands to get a look at the bride or husband.

His lover looks at the pastor to wait to see him. "You ready?" Izuku nods as he feels tears about fall as they build up in his eyes. His father whispers confidence and last minutes tips in marriages simultaneously, saying he is proud of Izuku.

Meanwhile, on the other Mic whisper in Shoato's ears about how beautiful his husband-to-be looks. Once Izuku got to the archer, his father squeezed his son's hand one last time, looking him in the eyes and telling him that he loved him dearly. Shoato looks at his soon-to-be husband and gasps as tears of happiness look at him. 

'You look beautiful,' he mouths towards Izuku, who smiles to say his thanks as he looks at his soon-to-be husband

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'You look beautiful,' he mouths towards Izuku, who smiles to say his thanks as he looks at his soon-to-be husband. The ceremony went smoothly and continued with a few tears has fallen on either one of them or both as they shared their vows. "Do you Izuku Midoriya take Shoato Aizawa in management marriages through sickness and health?" Izuku smiled proudly, looking at his lover, "I do." The pastor look at Shoato. "And do you Shoato Aizawa take Izuku Midoriya in management marriages through sickness and health?" Shoato looked with pure love and devotions in his eyes at Izuku. "I do." "Is there anyone who doesn't approve of the two being together? Please say or hold your speech." The pastor waited a couple of minutes before continuing to end the service. "I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss your husband." Shoato pulls Izuku into a deep kiss and dips him as Izuku puts one of his hand on his lover's face, deepening the kiss as everyone around them cheer and shout as they throw rice at them.

5 Years Later

It's most joyish five years for the two lovers and now two kids. Both are twins, which are both names, Kai and Kage. The two are an ideal mix of the two. Kage has the course and joyish like his mother, Izuku, gaining a similar quirk with him. Kai is like his father in personality and is very overprotective of his brother if someone tries to him. He gave the same peculiarity as his father without any drawbacks. They are a happy family of four and very tight with each other as the kids are significantly older big brother and big sister are older because of Shoato and Izuku homeroom kids. Izuku became the president of UA once Nezu went on retirement so he could see his grandkids.

Izuku and Shoato drop off their kids at Katsuki and Eijor's house since they married each other after the kids turned three. "Thank you again for allowing me to babysit them as we go on a date." Katsuki sways his hand at his brother with smugness on his face. "It's not a problem at all. I love these kids. Now go spend some time at your fifth victory." "Still, thanks again," Shoato said, taking Izuku's hands to walk back in the car to the surprise locations.

Shoato parks in a spot in the beach parking spot. "Woah, this is a beautiful place." Shoato laughs at how his husband looks at the sky with awe. "Then why are you waiting for? Let's go out and make a spot for ourselves." Izuku giggles as they get out of the car, as he follows him. Shoato guides him to a tent he made just before they drop the kids at the Kirishima's household. Izuku looks at the sky and is in awe of how peaceful the place is. "I'm going start the fire up." "Okay!" Izuku takes his phone to take a picture of the area.

" "Okay!" Izuku takes his phone to take a picture of the area

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"Izu, we can make s'mores now." Izuku gasped as he goes get some marshmallows to put on his stick while giggling childishly. His nipple on his marshmallow moans on how delicious. Shoato takes the pictures of him to put on his wallpaper. "Hey!?" He went up to his husband. "Delete that!" Shoato put the phone in the air with a big grind. "Nope, you look so adorable in the picture." Izuku's face lit up brighter,  turning himself look like a strawberry.

He got on his lover's lap. He still reaches for the phone as his lover laughs at him. "Hmph!?" He pouted as he sat on Shoato's lap. "Aw, come on, don't pout. No one going to see." He lifts Izuku's chin to look up at him. "I'm only allowed to see how truly adorable you are." The two lean toward each other and end up with a kiss passionately. "Sho, you truly save the broken...." Izuku said as he placed his head on his shoulder. "What do you mean?" Izuku looks up at him with a smile. "Well, I was broken over time I have been with you. You completely heal my soul, making me feel like I'm the only important thing I have the reason to live for. Now, look at us. We are married and have two lovely children." Shoato looks at him with a smile. "You may be right about that, babe. I would always love you." "I would always love you too." The two cuddle up close next to the fireplace and look at the night sky. Love was in the air as the couple enjoyed each other presents.

 Love was in the air as the couple enjoyed each other presents

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~The End~

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