Chapter 2 - Food Porn

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Izuku has woken up again after being left beaten again by his bullies. He looked up and realized how late it was and he was too weak to walk home. Izuku crawled to his yellow bookbag to grab some badges to patch himself up. After he was done treating himself he started to eat his snack to give him enough energy to heal himself before getting up to walk home. It takes him about 2 hours to get home while limping home which is supposed to take him 30 minutes to get home. As he prays when he walks into the apartment that his mother wasn't home and gets beaten for being late.

He noticed a note from his mother saying she would be gone for three weeks which he sighs of relief of freedom from morning and night beaten. He went to his room and put his wrap-up uniform into the trash to head straight into the bathroom to take a quick shower. After hopping out of his warm shower and drying himself off. He thought of having something warm to eat tonight.

Izuku starts to take out his ingredients to start to chop the ingredients before he starts cooking the ramen. Once he was done making his ramen in the beautiful design of his meal. 'Oh, I should send a picture of my meal to the others.' He thought to himself as he took a picture of his food. He noticed the chat was active over the stupid thing that Hawks did.

In the chat

FireBall: You legit went to save your bag of chicken nuggets during a fight!?


SleepDeprived: uh huh? Not worth it...

ChickenNuggets4Life: shut up coffee addictive hobo

Green Bean is Online

Green Bean sent an image

Green Bean: Hello everyone I hope you guys had a lovely day ^~^

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Green Bean: Hello everyone I hope you guys had a lovely day ^~^

RatGod: Izu did you make that?

Green Bean: yes I did

18+: Ah!~ it's look so good

ChickenNuggets4Life: woah impress great job

FireBall: It look so professional I really wonder how it taste

Walking_Skeleton: I bet it's delicious

SleepDeprived: I really want to taste it sooo badly

Green Bean; I would gladly cook for you guys some time.

Sirenhead: listener please do once we ever meet in person I really want to have some

Green Bean: hmm...

RatGod: what are you thinking about?

Green Bean: Well~ I don't want to ruin anything shall I?

RatGod: ooooh~ I'm curious now what you planning Izuku

Green Bean: well I guess you have to find out eh?

18+: Is it only me but if these two come meet each other in person it's gonna be the end of the world?

Green Bean: what do you mean?

RatGod: nothing gonna happen between us

Green Bean: I totally believe you

RatGod: We would be perfectly fine

Green Bean: that's precisely...

Everyone that is not Nezu and Izuku: . . . 

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