The first two hours

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First hour

Ayanokoji point of view

After kei and the class C girls left the purge announcement of our school finally played

Yukimura :" Huh?"

" This is not a test

This is your emergency school system announcing the start of this year purge canctioned by the Japan government

Just like in the outside world

All students are allowed to do whatever they want, including murder..

All of the teachers and the student council shall not be harmed

The time limit is at 7 am, meaning only for 12 hours so make a good use of it

And may god be with you all"

After hearing "The purge" announcement we all went back to our rooms

Yukimura :" Be careful ayanokoji"

Ayanokoji :" same to you"

Text message :

Horikita : How are things with your group?

Ayanokoji : few people are missing

Horikita : that makes sense

Ayanokoji : What about your group?

Horikita : Ryuen is taking things too far

Ayanokoji : what do you mean by that?

Horikita : His blackmailing people and using them

Ayanokoji : well that's the usual him

Horikita : he asked me if I needed some protection

Ayanokoji : isn't that a good thing?

Horikita : Yes but no

Ayanokoji : huh?

Horikita : it's for points

Horikita : one million exactly

Ayanokoji : I see

Horikita : we are already just one hour in the purge

Ayanokoji : doesn't seem like there is much of a movement

Horikita : true but be careful

Ayanokoji : You should be careful as well, with Ryuen

Horikita : i can handle myself

2 hour in the elite purge

Message text :

Horikita : Our group lost many people

Ayanokoji : Most of the people we lost from our group were from our class

Horikita : i see..

Ayanokoji : it's terrifying isn't ?

Horikita : what?

Ayanokoji : who knows, who might be the next victim

Ayanokoji : being scared is a normal reason to panic

Ayanokoji : i bet some of the people who would kill tonight

Ayanokoji : are people who are defending themselves

Horikita : that's true

Horikita : being scared of death can drive us insane

Ayanokoji : You..

Ayanokoji : aren't scared right?

Horikita : who do you think you're talking to?

To Horikita suzune?


Ayanokoji : Fine then

Kei point of view

Location : down stairs

Kei : where is hirata?

I checked my text message again

Kei : ...

Yeah it is from hirata but where is him?

Kei : wasn't he supposed to be here?


Don't tell me his already-


No hirata is not the type of person who would purge-

Then, does that mean-

No! No! He has to be alive!

Who else would protect me?..

Specially in a time like this..

This is how it feels like to be in a night like this?

I heard foot steps


I turned around excited-

His here!

Kei : Hira- Huh!?

Class C girl 1 : welcome back!

Class C girl 2 : Time to finish what we started!

I shouted

Kei : leave me alone!

But they were laughing

Kei : ...


Kei : what are those..weapons!?

Class C girl 3: The purge is for everyone in any place to release their anger correct?

Class C girl 2: Yeah , it's just our right

Kei : Leave me alone! Or i will tell the teachers!

I shouted again

Class C girl3: there is no law to save you

They were holding knifes and-

Class C girl 1 : smile for the camera!

One of them was holding the Camera close to my face

Then, another girl stepped closer to me


Class C girl 2 : disgusting

Class C girl 3 : You will pay for what you did to Rika

Class C girl 2 : When the purge around it

Class C girl 2 : it means there is no law right?

Class C girl 1 : That's right

Class C girl 2 : and if there is no law, any connection to the outside world is allowed

Class C girl 3 : it's time to show the whole world what kind of a bitch you are !

I tried to run but one of them grabbed my hair and-

Class C girl 1 : Go-

Kei : Aaahh!

I screamed in Pain

Class C girl 1 : Back!

But no one heard me

Class C girl 2 : say hello to chat!


Is she recording this?

No! Get away!

Kei : Please stop!

I shouted over and over again but nothing-

I didn't even realize i was already in tears

There was nothing i can do

To stop this pain

The Purge : of The elite (Volume One )Where stories live. Discover now