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Not long after Shane came in and placed the coffee on the counter, they alreay sat in the backroom, the doctors office where Harvey usually held his medical examinations. His suspicion towards Shanes behaviour proved to be justified. Shane fumbled around with his hands nervously, he was sitting on the little chair discouraged, his glance directed towards the ground.
Harvey was standing, his arms crossed in front of his chest. He must admit to himself that he felt pity towards this man, whatever it was he did, he couldn't be mad or judgemental. He rather was genuinely concerned. After another couple of seconds in silence he sighed and decided to walk around the table, lay his hand onto his patients shoulder and bow down to the miserable looking man.
"You know that you can talk to me?", Harvey said while searching for his eyes. Persistently Shane kept staring at the ground, mumbling under his shaking breath, "I know..."
"Look it's complicated"
Shane shakingly placed his hand onto his arm, pulling up his shoulders and if Harvey didn't know better, he'd believe there were tears in Shane's eyes. This was serious.
"The thing is, it's..."
Harvey looked at him questioning but gentle. He felt Shane shaking beneath his hand. "I swear I didn't mean to, I swear," he cried out, raising his arms to hold his head, "Look, I have a problem, a big problem."
"...An alcohol problem?"
"No! Yes- I mean, that's not what I was trying to say."
Restlessly he shook his head, then continued under his breath, "I was drunk, yeah and I- I think I hurt Jas" He sobbed. "Like, I can't remember exactly what happened but the thing, the thing is that Marnie threw me out. Because she fucking hates me and my stupid actions, righteous. And Jas, goddamn, Harvey, you should have seen how she looked at me. Harvey, I can't-"
Harvey didn't know what exactly he expected to be Shanes problem and eventhough he felt bad for what happened to Shane, this wasn't a medical conditon. So why would Shane come to him with this...? He furrowed his brow, his hand still lying on the mans shoulder.
"That sounds horrible, I'm sorry for you Shane but...?"
"Harvey, please-"
Shane looked up, directly into his eyes for the first time since he entered the clinic. Harvey held his breath, striken by the sadness in his eyes, the incredible hoplessness of this man, the hopelessness he was faced with so many times before but seemed to reach a whole other level this afternoon.
"Harvey, I know this is much to ask for but you need to help me. Please, Harvey," he took his doctors hands, holding them firm while ignoring the confusion in Harvey's eyes, "let me stay at yours. Just for a day, I swear it won't be for longer. I just- I need to collect myslef."

The Doctor, The Pain and The Audacity of ShaneWhere stories live. Discover now