Chapter 26: I'm back...what is happening?

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Just as Heusc stepped out of his room his heart started to thump. Panting for air, his eyes went blurry as emotions continued to thump into his head without any hesitation. Leaning on the wall his head started spinning more and more as guards surrounded his body. Heusc wanted to scream out in pain but he felt as if his mouth was unable to open. He wasn't able to control his body anymore, it was a familiar feeling as it was what he went through when he first arrived here without warning.

His vision started to fade as everything shut off in his body. His vision was dark, but he felt free, floating in whatever place he was in. Emotions weren't a problem. Nothing was his problem anymore, he can escape the unnecessary problem he created in that world. Escape that heavy mentality that place has put on him as just float here. Endlessly... until everything was fine... and nothing... includes... him.

Darn it...there's the light...

Oh crap... it's getting closer... and closer.


A machine started beeping as the doctors checked up on him. It hasn't been a long time since the patient has been in this coma-like state. It's been about three days. It wasn't known to the doctors why the patient is in this state. They have run loads of tests but nothing came up. They can only hope that they recover on their own.

"H-his hand, it twitched.'' The young nurse wasn't the only one who was surprised.

Heusc couldn't hear anything much as something heavy settled on him, or he was settling into it. Slowly, his senses came back to him, hearing was the first one to come back. Heard the feet tap on the floor around him. More than one person was around seeing how loud they were.

Then it was his smell. The unfamiliar scent of bitterness entered his nose. Although odd, Heusc was able to conclude that he was in the hospital... wait... the hospital? Wasn't he in whatever timeline Who Made Me a Princess took place? Easier to say this, the hospital this large didn't exist, but now he was in one, alone in a room that felt quite large and without any other sick patients.

Hoping he wasn't going crazy, Heusc hoped it was the royal physician's around him but sadly he could only hope. Once he felt like he had control of the body again Heusc opened his eyes. The white ceilings were something he recognized from his past...or was it his present...what?

Seeing the people in white Heusc was in a modern hospital. Did he somehow get back into his world? Or... was he always here and that was a...dream? Feeling overwhelmed, Heusc looked around at the unfamiliar faces. He tried to sit up but his joints were sore as if he hadn't moved in however long he was gone this time. God how he wishes to not do that any more times ever in his life. The first time was scary enough.

"Sir, please lay back down." One of the nurses said as she put more pillows behind his head so Heusc could at least see more of what was going on.

"What's going on? Where am I?" Heusc asked her as he laid back down on the pillow. He felt like an old man at this moment.

"Sir, you're in the Saint Verdi Hospital," she said. "I'll go call your family members."

"That sounds quite familiar." Mumbling out loud, the nurse walked away as some doctors came in to do a few checkups. He never realized how much he missed the coldness of the stethoscope against his skin. It was then that some more people barged into the room. Some people who he never thought he would see again.

"Heusc! Oh my god!" A feminine voice sounded out as she ran up to him and hugged his mostly motionless body. The rest walked up as well all giving him a group hug.

The familiar faces of his

"Mi...Mia?" Heusc managed out, he tried to reach out for the grown woman, she seemed younger than he remembered, especially since she was the second oldest in the eight of them.

"Oh my god, you just fainted in the middle of practice!" She exclaimed seemingly relieved at the fact that Heusc wasn't dead.

"Practice?" Heusc questioned, "I thought we were retired?"

"Haha, what do you mean? We're far from retirement. We're only 25 Heusc."


*After a bit*

"'s 2XXX year..." Heusc spoke, although he could barely remember the year he turned 30. This was earlier than what he remembers. Mia pulled up a chair for herself, ready to explain everything to their delusional team leader. The other members also look worried.

"It's the 7th time you repeat that, yes that's this year!" Mia complained but somehow Heusc wasn't able to wrap his head around this, still. "Oh my god, first you get into a coma for no reason and now you think you're five years into the future. Goodness, what did your brain come up with in the three days that you were gone for?"

'So I traveled back in time? What's the use of that?' Heusc thought to himself, 'Nothing much happened during these few years especially, why these trying times?'

"Oh right, do you still have my phone?" 'I forgot all my passwords for whatever apps on my phone, heck, I don't even remember that.'

"Oh yea, here, you didn't miss much. It's only been three days, I think." Mia said checking the time with Ivon, number four in the group. "See, he confirms." She pointed to Ivon who has the same desperate face as the rest, all hoping Heusc can think about life and not five years into the future.

'So...I died at the age of 30, got transmigrated into the story Who Made Me a Princess and woke up only to be in the past five years when I was 25. I was all a dream? Either that or this is a parallel world, god knows where I actually am but at least I'm with my family now. I won't have to go crazy over that now.' Concluding with that thought, Heusc scrolled through his phone looking for any other differences.

"Life suddenly turned so hard."

"Glad you finally acknowledged it." Heusc could tell Mia said that with heavy sarcasm.

"Yea yea."

A/N: hay guys I'm back, I have thought over the book for over a few months now and I have decided to change the rest of the story line, some might not like it, but feel free make your own fanfic about this fanfic if you want, credit me of course. But yea, another chapter will be put tomorrow and I will try my best to earn back the readers I have lost over the months I have not updated.

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