Chapter 25: Realization

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Heusc wanted to throw everything his hands could reach... it's those bastards again. The sudden attack and now the assassination. It was enough for someone to be executed multiple times in the modern world, much less here. But what can he do about it?

Heusc looked out his window into the beautiful sky. He started chuckling as papers flew back down to the ground and settled into a beautiful mess.

Heusc didn't know what to do now that he was here. Nothing was going as planned and everything had a weird vibe to it. It felt as if everything was programmed, maybe that's what he thinks. He has read all of Who Made Me a Princess chapters that were out and he understands the character extremely well. But all that was down the drain as no one was acting like they were supposed to be.

Frost gathered on Heusc's fingertips. Something snapped in him, something he didn't know was there. It was dangerous, merciless, selfless, and bloodthirsty. It felt as if someone's taken the last sanity left in his mind and now he just wants to take control of everything. kill everything.

Heusc's eye color flashed an icy blue before disappearing after he blinked a couple of times. His body was covered in sweat, his tense muscles were on the verge of cramping. Heusc was not sure of what happened but he was sure something had changed. And it was not for the good.

The next morning Heusc opened his eyes but he didn't get off the bed nor did he get any good sleep. Even so, his mind cleared for the first time in three days. Aaron is gone, the sunshine that always was around him when they were little is gone. Heusc sniffed, putting an arm over his eyes silently crying over his friend.

He suddenly missed home, the smiling faces he sees every day when waking up. The food he wanted to try but never got the chance to, now he can never try them. The beaches they would always go to and play volleyball. *BEEP*'s face when he would always lose and would be forced to eat a spoon of wasabi.

Heusc was the oldest of the group which means he got the chance to see the rest of the group grow up into fine young men and ladies. He got to see them fall in love and out of love. He got to see so much of them throughout their lives. How are they doing now? Are any of them married?

The smile on Heusc's lips quivered as more tears dripped down the side of his face. "I miss you," Heusc said, not sure who he said it to. "I miss you. I miss you. I miss you." Heusc heard the door open but he didn't move his arm trying to pretend he was asleep.

"I know you're awake." A familiar voice said not too far away from Heusc. "Move your arms."

Heusc turned around refusing the request but he didn't stop Claude from moving his arms away. "What happened?" Claude asked, redness tinted around Heusc's eyes as tears continued to fall from his eyes and wet the pillow beneath. Heusc shook his head, not wanting to tell Claude what was on his mind.

Heusc looked at Claude who brought a chair to sit beside the bed until Heusc was able to stop. Claude has never seen such a face from Heusc, it was so painful to watch for him as well. Heusc held Claude's hand until he stopped crying, Heusc coughed a few times. Tears stopped coming out of his eyes but he still wouldn't stop shaking.

Claude put Heusc into his embrace, arms wrapped protectively around Heusc, giving him a sense of comfort. It was just like when they were little. Heusc hugged Claude's waist weeping until he slept. His body finally relaxed in Claude's embrace. The people outside heard everything go silent, they wanted to enter but without order, they couldn't.

Claude held Heusc's head as he laid both of them down on the bed.

When Heusc awakes, his eyes were once again ice blue, he looked emotionless sitting there with a man beside him. Something was wrong but he didn't know what.

Heusc looked at his hands, frosted and cold. He walked to the bathroom and saw the reflection of himself.

Sad and depressed, he looked into the mirror. Shock ran down his spine as he looked at his appearance. Blue eyes, gone were his heterochromia ones, replaced with ice blue ones. Heusc quickly washed his face with warm water and looked into the mirror again. Still blue. Why the hell are his eyes blue?

Heusc suddenly felt the backlash of life, of everything he has ruined so far. He looked as if he had worked for days and yet he had done nothing.

Upon removing his shirt a dragon tattoo circled his entire arm. He suddenly felt the needles of the ink machines sticking in him, hundreds per second, injecting the ink into him. His heartbeat rose as a ringing sound blocked out every noise he could hear before.

Soon everything stopped. He could hear everything again but as he looked into the mirror, half expecting to have a heart attack right then and there. His normal eyes were back and gone were the ice blue. He didn't feel cold anymore, his hearing came back, it was only then he noticed Claude by the door.

"Are you okay?" Claude asked, a cold voice still there. After seeing a nod, Claude walked away, closing the door leading to the room behind him. He completely left.

Something red shined in Heusc's vision. The Red Spider Lilies from his dreams were on the bed. He didn't want to touch it but it was making him curious as to why they were there. Or even if they were real or not.

Walking to his bed Heusc touched the flowers causing them to dissipate into dust. A red powder stayed on the bed as they started to settle in color, not as a ruby red anymore but darker in color. Nothing makes sense and he just wants to leave this place. Not meaning the castle, but the entire storyline. This is slowly driving him crazy.

Suddenly he started to laugh and fell onto the bed. He doesn't care anymore, not if the power stained his clothes, not that it got onto the floor. Heusc felt as if he had completely given up.

Sitting up, determination shone in his eyes. A sentence full of venom left his lips as his eyes once again turned ice blue.

" better watch out...I'll trample you until you're nothing fine dust."

Once again Heusc's view shattered into pieces as everything faded. He came to a familiar place where he was sent many times.

"Have you come to me for guidance?"

"Not really, but you seem pretty knowledgeable in warfare."

'More like you brought me here, I don't know how to get here...also you know warfare was also a guess.'

"Why would you believe that?"

"Because madam, you're the one causing my mind to change." Spoken with determination, Heusc looked at the tree which was now glowing the same icy blue in his eyes.

"Well aren't you a smart one..."

"I only want to know why you're doing this to me."

"You will learn to quit soon, or maybe never, you'll never know."

Upon opening his eyes again he was back in his room. Going to change his nightwear, Heusc went to find Claude to accept his proposal.

Royal Devil (Finished)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora