Imogen "Noa I'm really sorry", Noa "it's fine that's for showing me tho", Imogen "who's the new girl", Noa "this is Avery", Faran "what's with the newspaper", Noa "she's gonna join our little group", Tabby "but the more people in the group the more targets", Avery "your absolutely right but the reason I'm here is to help you. I don't know what your going through at the moment but my mom knows everything", Minnie "what's she talking about Noa", we all sat down. Avery pulled out the newspaper with Allison, Avery "my mom's name is Emily Fields, her and her friends went to Rosewood High School, and they started experiencing what you are all experiencing at the moment. This all started because of Allison who went missing, and A wanted secrets to be revealed. The A that was behind it all was Allison's sister, but it all stopped because Allison's sister died. My mom had a friend who went to Radley because they thought she was going crazy because of what she said about A. A is a dangerous person, A almost hit my mom with a car, well I think her girlfriend Paige was the target but my mom pushed her so she fell and got hurt. Point is we could somehow get through this if I ask my mom and her friends for the advice and help. In or not in", Imogen "in", Tabby "in", Faran "in", Minnie "in", Noa "in", Avery "and before you question me about how Emily is my mom, we'll keep it simple Emily saved me from an abusive household", the school bell rang and we all went straight to class. While me and Noa were walking to our lockers, we bumped into Shawn who tried apologizing, Shawn "I'm sorry, can you please forgive me", Noa "you really fucking hurt me and you think I'm gonna forgive you. All the shit we've been through and that's how you repay me. I'm not forgiving you", Noa invited me to tag along to her track practice again. She was so fast and so good at running, by the time she was finished she was all sweaty. And it was finally time for lunch. Luckily I had bought lunch I hated eating the nasty school food, Imogen "so what's your intention with Noa", Avery "nothing we are just friends", Imogen "you like her", Avery "no I don't", just as Noa passed us to get a water from the vending machine I couldn't help but blush, Imogen "you like her", Avery "shhh. Stop it. She's straight I won't stand a chance with her", Tabby "you don't know that plus she's not going back to Shawn anytime soon", Avery "do you all wanna come over, my twin sisters are going to my aunt's for the weekend, we could have like a slumber party", Imogen "I'm down", Tabby "same", Minnie "I'm in", Faran "I'm in", by the time school finished I went straight home. Emily "as long as you girls do what you have to", Avery "thanks mom", I went in the group chat and texted the girls to come over.

I was just getting out of the shower, my hair was drenched in water, so I tried my best to dry it before lathering it with conditioner. Emily "hi girls, Avery should be out of the shower in a minute", I came out of the bathroom and fixed my room a bit before going to the living room. Emily "I'll be in my room, you girls make yourselves at home, and babes if anyone knocks at the door just let me know", Avery "okay mom", I put on a movie and we sat next to each other and just watched it. Halfway into the movie there was a knock at the door. I went to the door, "who it is", Paige "it's Paige", I opened the door and wrapped my arms around Paige, "hi", Avery "hi, my mom's upstairs", she kissed the top of my head before going upstairs. Imogen "did she know about A", Avery "yeah", Tabby "so I think we should play truth or dare", Faran "that sounds like fun", Tabby "so since it's your house, Avery truth or dare", Avery "truth", Tabby "is it true that you have a crush on Noa", I immediately froze, but because I didn't care I answered, "yes", and went straight to my mom's room. Emily "everything okay honey", Avery "no I feel embarrassed", Paige "why babes", Avery "we are playing truth or dare and Tabby asked me if it's true that I have a crush on Noa, and I obviously had no choice but to say yes", Emily "do you like her", Avery "yes mom, she's pretty, shes into sports and she's smart", Emily "you'll be fine just go back out there with your friends", Avery "okay", I went to my room for a sec to write in my diary. Noa "are you okay", Avery "I'm okay", Noa "is that true, you like me", Avery "yes, I didn't tell you because you were dating Shawn so I assumed you were into boys", Noa "how come you didn't ask me about my sexual orientation", Avery "because that's a bit awkward to ask someone", Noa "no it's not", my hands were shaking and I could barely move. Noa held her hand out, "let's just go back to the others and we could watch another movie instead of playing the game", Avery "okay", we went back to the others and started watching Halloween. Avery "I'm gonna go to bed, I'm pretty tired", Noa "I'll tag along with you", Avery "just make sure you turn the tv off before ya go to bed", Imogen "okay", I sat on my bed and started to sketch. Noa "did you really wanna go to sleep", Avery "no I'm just bored, and I really don't wanna play a game that's gonna reveal secrets", Noa "I'm not upset or mad that you have a crush on me, I'm actually a bit relieved because it gives me something to look forward to", Avery "I thought you were straight tho", Noa "I thought I was too but who knows what this could lead to", I got off my bed and got my swimming gear packed for tomorrow's practice. Noa "you have something to do tomorrow", Avery "yeah, swimming practice", Noa "it's fall", Avery "it's inside no need to worry", Noa "so homecoming is around the corner, are you going", Avery "I'm not sure, I don't even have no one to go with", Noa "me and the girls are going as a group", Avery "I don't know", Noa "how long have you been drawing for", Avery "since I was younger", Noa "you're really good", Avery "thanks", as I was doing a rough sketch of iron man Noa took the book and pencil from out of my hand, Avery "what are you doing", Noa climbed on top of me pressing her lips against mine, I was so shocked I pulled away. We lied down, Noa had her legs wrapped around my waist, and we continued to kiss.

Imogen's POV*.
Just as me and the others were heading to Avery's room to go to bed, we walked into her and Noa kissing. We were so happy for them, we quietly entered the room without disturbing them. In the morning. I woke up to Noa already dressed for the day, Imogen "isn't it pretty early where are you headed", Noa "with Avery, going with her to her swim practice", Imogen "where's her mom", Noa "she's downstairs making breakfast", Noa and Avery headed out for the morning. Avery's practice was so long. Noa's POV*. When Avery was done doing laps she climbed out of the water and I wrapped a towel around her. Avery "thank you", Noa "your welcome", Avery checked her phone and got a serious message from her mom, Avery "we have to go", back to Avery's POV*.
When we got to the house my mom and Paige looked furious and the girls looked frightened. Avery "is everything okay mom", Emily "I don't know you tell me", Avery "I didn't do anything wrong", Emily "no you didn't but you failed to mention that your friends here are being targeted by someone who's going by the name of A", Avery "I'm sorry mom. I knew that if I would have told you, you wouldn't have let them come over", Emily "it's not about them coming over. Why didn't you tell me this, you know me and your aunts went through hell", Avery "I know that", Imogen "Ms Fields we only know that we are being targeted because our moms knew this girl who died and we think whoever is A is taking revenge for the girl that killed herself", Emily "do you know this girl's name, and please call me Emily", Imogen "her name is Angela Waters, her mom Rose Waters is currently getting treatment at the Radley", Emily "did you get a message from this person", Tabby "we all pretty much have", Emily "including you Avery", Avery "I got one message", Emily "what's it say", I gave my mom my phone, and she read it. Emily "you know this is serious right", Avery "yes", Emily "then why keep it from us, you know how many people we lost because of A", Avery "I didn't want you to worry that's why, you dealt with this in high school, you shouldn't have to go through it again. That's the reason I kept my mouth shut are you happy", I grabbed my phone and left the house, Noa followed after me. Avery "you don't have to follow me", Noa "I'm not gonna let you get hurt", I saw a figure standing a few feet from us but I didn't pay it no mind. Noa "what's up", Avery "nothing I thought I saw something", we got to the end of the street and that's when we both realized we weren't alone since this time we both saw the figure. It had a mask on, and Noa said she recognized it, he stared at us before starting to move our way, he went from slow to running and charging after us. The both of us let out loud pitched screams before taking off running back in the direction of my house. I dialed my mom's number, Emily "why are you out of breathe", Avery "mom someone is chasing me and Noa", Emily "girls hurry up and get back here", Avery "we're trying he's right behind us", we could see house in our view, my mom came out of the house and helped me and Noa halfway up the stairs and we were back in the house. Emily "who the hell was that", Imogen "that was A".

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