take me out

611 21 13

Jinsoul takes Jungeun out on a friend date because the other members make them feel single.

The other Loona members already know that putting the word "friend" in there is a pretense for the fact that Jinsoul and Jungeun are totally gay for each other.

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"Take me out,"

"Uh," Jinsoul froze, the lyrics of her next song forgotten when she looked up at Jungeun. The younger girl was standing in her doorway, she looked like she'd just witnessed something traumatizing. She was dressed in a big t-shirt - there was a good chance it belonged to Jinsoul herself - and shorts. Her hair was damp from the shower and she looked tired, which made sense for the time of night. Jinsoul wasn't honestly surprised she hadn't gone to bed.

Well her brain was more focused on the fact that Jungeun wanted to go out with her?? Was she hearing that wrong??

"I got out of the shower," Jungeun started, looking rattled. "I couldn't sleep because today I went with Heejin to try out this new coffee place and I tried like, everything. Anyway, I knew you were busy so I was looking for someone to hang out with and I walked in on Jiwoo and Sooyoung-"

"Don't tell me,"

"I've seen things," Jungeun shuddered. "So I tried to visit Haseul and Vivi but they were making out, which made me want to cry. I don't even want to know what Hyeju and Chaewon are doing, Heejin and Hyunjin were in the kitchen being disgusting, and Yerim and Yeojin were on the couch holding hands, Jinsoul. Holding hands,"

"The horror,"

"It was awful. I'm being attacked with romance in my own home," Jungeun sighed. "And I know you're busy writing and everything, I've been trying really hard not to disturb you but-" She walked forward and leaned down to rest her head on Jinsoul's shoulder.

Jinsoul tried not to scream at how cute she was.

"This is pressing,"

"So you want..."

"To go out with you," Jungeun said. "I need to escape this romance that is threatening to suffocate me. I don't even care what we do, I'll pay for it, I'll help you write-"

"No!" Jinsoul quickly covered her notebook and smiled. "It's alright, I've been needing to take a break anyway. Maybe I'll get some inspiration while we're out," She hugged Jungeun closer. "I know they're gross sometimes,"

"Our members make me feel single," Jungeun complained.

"Aw, poor Jungie," Jinsoul teased, smiling when Jungeun stood up and glared at her. She quickly pushed her notebook into her drawer and pushed her chair back into her desk. Jungeun sat down on her bed, looking tired.

"Are you sure you want to go out?" Jinsoul asked her as she stood up to get a coat from her closet. "We can just stay here and watch something if it's too late,"

"It's not," Jungeun insisted. "I want to spend time with you,"

Jinsoul laughed slightly, her cheeks heating up. "We can't do that here?"

Jungeun frowned. "Please?" She asked softly.

Jinsoul was weak for her, of course.

"Come on," Jinsoul handed her a coat. "Before it's too far past your bedtime,"

Jungeun slipped on one of Jinsoul's hoodies and a puffy jacket over it, fitting the cold winter air of this time of year. Jinsoul pulled out another one of her coats and grabbed her wallet.

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