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"Ok, it's a pleasure to meet you Nae." I said bowing.

"Oh, no need to bow. I'm inspired by you. You know I'm also a fast runner like you and I want to become just like you." She said.

I was touched and thanked and encouraged her telling her it was not heard but then the whistle for the end of the first half was blown.

"Oh, see you on the pitch then Kurosawa." She smiled.

"Hey, we're friends now. You can call me Akira." I said smiling as I went to the bench.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw her nod.

I joined the rest and I went near Anna to ask for a hair tie since my long hair was beginning to annoy me.

"Hey Anna, do you have a hair tie?" I asked.

She gave me a hair tie and I saw the others staring at me after I had tied my hair into a high ponytail.

"Wow! You look beautiful Akira." Norika and Ootani complimented me.

Anna gave a nod smiling." Yeah."

I thanked them but then coach did the unthinkable... He began jumping up and down like a rabbit or should I say bunny.

"Coach, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh hohoho, this will be very helpful in the second half." He said.

"Huh? That's a clue?" Asuto asked

"Such an odd way to put it but hey..." I mumbled under my breath.

"Ok! You guys let's show the champions of the north the power of the champions of Raimon by winning this match!" I cheered wanting to boost everyone up.

"Yeah!" We yelled running back to the pitch.

I have no idea what I just did. Ok--

Goujin passed the ball to me and I passed it Kozoumaru who passed it to Asuto.

Asuto soon lost the ball to Fubuki Shirou then Nae began asking for the ball. He got past me and I was unable to take it from him because he of was in control of it.

"Pass!pass,pass,pass!" She said.

"If that is what the princess wants" Fubuki said.

Fubuki passed it to her but she missed it.

"Huh? Oh man I messed up!" Nae said pouting.

"Is she nervous?" Hiyori asked.

"I think she is a beginner." I mumbled

"Well whatever it may be she does not seem to be a good player!" Mansaku said chasing the ball.

But Nae managed to get the ball before it went out of the field.

"Phew! I made it just in time." She sighed.

Before any of could do anything,she kicked the ball but missed again and Norika just took it normally.

"Aw man, I messed up again!" She pouted.

"You should have passed that to me!" Fubuki Atsuya scolded.

"Gee, soccer sure is hard.." Nae mumbled.

Norika passed the ball to me and I ran forward dribbling it past the snow twins.

~ At the bench~
" This match is quite interesting. They not only have a prince but princess as well. Hakuren's princess is putting up a great fight but how well will our princesses fight?" He asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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