Meeting new friends. ( Inakunijima island)

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You and your aunt finally arrived from South Korea.

You felt bad about leaving all your friends back home but being able to make new ones kept you calm.


You were sitting alone watching some kids of your age playing.
Suddenly you heard, "Hey you! Wanna come play with us?"

You looked towards the direction of the voice and saw a boy with spiky black hair waving his hands at you.

"Sure!" You replied

You joined them and they introduced themselves to you all but one; a boy with spiky brown hair. "Who's that?" You asked Asuto.

He told you that was Kozoumaru and that he's like that so maybe I should try talking to him later.

You went to talk him right there and then. " Kozoumaru, are you ok?"
"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" He replied sharply.

"Because you didn't seem like you wanted to talk to me. You weren't nice to me." You told him.

"I'm sorry. I'm like that when I meet new people who I don't think I can trust. I did that to Asuto and the rest." He said apologetically.

"You're like that to all people? Right?" You asked him.

"Yeah. How did you know that?" He asked

"Lucky guess" you told him.

Your pov
I went back to the field with Kozoumaru. I felt good making a new friend. I began practicing with the rest and you were having fun.

At the cliff

Asuto said we should make a vow to always play soccer together.
" I like the sound of that"
"All right!"
"Now that's just cool"

We went back home when it got dark. Then you saw Kozoumaru had no place to stay cause his mother was away.

You offered him to stay at your place and he agreed.

~ A week later~
Norika and I were coming to practice after going to the beach when we saw construction workers demolishing our field.

"What are they doing? Why are they destroying the pitch?"
You asked enraged.

" I don't know" she mumbled. You saw she was crying and this made you more mad.

You ran to the principal's office and found Asuto, Hiura, Michinari,Goujin talking to him.

"Why are you letting the soccer pitch get destroyed?" You asked him.

He told  us that was because we didn't have a sponsor.

"So we can never play soccer again?" You asked.

He nodded. But he said that if we want to save the pitch we'll have to play soccer in Raimon. We agreed and he told us to pack our bags we would be leaving the following day.

You ran to tell Norika the good news but she seemed unsure about leaving the island. Everybody was unsure but Asuto convinced them.

(The next day)
You hugged your aunt knowing you would not be seeing her for a long time.

You all waved bye to your family and set sail for Tokyo.

It was all quiet until.. " Man, I have mixed feelings about being in Tokyo. I mean, have any if you ever been there?" You asked.

"Akira, do you ever keep quiet?" Kozoumaru asked you.

"Hey! I'm trying to get a conversation started here!" You replied feeling offended.

Everybody laughed at you two bickering.

See you in the next chapter. Bye💜

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