Chapter Ten: Bread for a Shield

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Cale is now back at the man eating tree. Although Beacrox had already promised to make ten bags of bread, he also promised the bakeries that he would be back today. Now, Cale has sixteen bags of bread in his spatial bag.

The children from yesterday are also at the same place. He sighed and walked up to them. He smiled and took one small bag and a bigger one from his spatial pocket.


The children gasp as Cale handed them the two bags.

"Here. This small one is for the both of you. The bigger one, bring it to the other kids like you two and give these to them to eat. When your done, wait for us down the hill. Okay?"

The kids looked at each and nodded. The oldest of the kids took the two bags. She gave the smaller one to his brother then they both walked down the hill to do their task. Beacrox saw what his young master just did and shook his head.

"What?" Cale asked.

"Nothing, young master. Nothing."'I guess he doesn't realize it himself.'

Yes, that's right. Cale doesn't realize he has a soft spot for children. It explains why he is very soft towards his siblings. Ironically, the one thinking this about the redhead, actually has a soft spot for children as well. The twenty-year old Beacrox was practically dragged here yesterday. However, after knowing where his young master is going, he can't just let him go alone. He can't let the child come in this dangerous and stinky place by himself.

Cale now has all the bags of bread out from the spatial bag and put them near the tree. He dragged a bag and poured the whole bad in the hole. He repeated the process, and with the seventh bag of bread, the darkness under the tree became much lighter and the tree started shaking.


Beacrox was alarmed and was about to walk to the redhead when he recalled what the boy had told him in the morning.

'Hyung. Once we get to the tree, you can't help me. I have to do it myself. Okay?'

'Alright, young master.'

He clenched his fists hard. He knows what he promised but he prepared himself to be ready to move in case something dangerous happens. Then his thought was stopped when the redhead suddenly spoke.

"Yes, yes. Here. Eat more."

Cale heard the tree rumble and slowly walked backwards. Then he heard a woman's voice.



-Young boy! The bread you gave me are all so tasty. It was different from the bread we had during the ancient times. Can you give mw more, please!

'This must be that glutton priestess's voice.'

"Yes, yes. Here. Eat more." Cale dumped another bag of bread, those were Beacrox's bread.

-Oh my! That was even more delicious. Young boy, give me more of that. That was the tastiest bread I have ever tasted!

"Really? Beacrox hyung made them. He's a really good cook, so I understand why you like them very much. Here, have some more."

-Yes! Wow! That was awesome. The sweetness is just right. The texture melts in your mouth and the smell is so fresh. Waaah, I want to have more. If you give me more, I'll give you a gift.

'Gift. That's it.' Cale thought as he dumped the twelfth bag of bread.

-Thank you so much. I'm so glad I....

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