Chapter 15: Memories

Start from the beginning

Keaton: "Orders are orders Isaac."

Isaac: "I hope this decision is worth it even his schwesters and Bismarck reject this proposal."

Keaton: "He is nothing, but a machine. He will be work like a machine than the girls."

That is enough for cause Isaac to be angry at him.

Isaac: "I'm a bloody cyborg and you called him a machine. Am I a machine too?"

Keaton: "You are different Isaac; you defect to our side after the Northern Parliament try to kill you and now working for us now. Nijmegen on the other hand; we don't know him as much which is most worrying that he is a spy for the Sirens. Not killing Observer is the proof of that."

Isaac: "He took out a fleet of Siren fleet and you still call him a spy for the Sirens."

Keaton: "They are nothing but drones to them which doesn't proof anything."

Isaac: "He isolate himself from the rest of the soldiers because of this proposal and only talk to me since I was the one who help him during his construction. Only thing he does is work and went back to his dorm or talk to me since everyone he know is been transfer to the Azur Lane base including his self-claim daughter Z-46 which also reject the proposal."

Keaton: "Good, which means he will do better performance for the higher ups and than we decided to do with him. Until then he will remain here until further orders."

Isaac: "You know that you guys are dickheads."

Keaton: "Always am."

Keaton walk out with Isaac has a worry look on his face.

Isaac: "I hope nothing happens to Nijmegen."

Little do we know that a disaster will strike at the base. Meanwhile I escort more supply ships with me the only kansen in the area to escort them to base while I look at the water and hope that everyone is having fun over there while I stuck with just escorts. The more piss off moment is when the officers order me to carry the supplies to the warehouse with my new nickname.

Officer: Hey Clanker; we want you to carry the supplies to the warehouse and make it snappy."

Nijmegen angry thought: "CLANKER!"  (Know the reference?)

Nijmegen: "Yes sir."

Officer: "After that you are finish for the day until further notice."

Nijmegen thought: "Good the better I finish this; sooner I don't have to listen to you. I miss the girls."

I carry the supplies and heading to the warehouse until one of my eyes is hurting for some reason so I drop the crate until my eye stop hurting. Once it finally calm down; I continue to move the crates, but for some reason everyone is giving me a stare, but I didn't pay attention to it. Once that is done; I was confronted by some officers when angry in their face which is not surprise, but their question is the confusing part.

Officer(angry): "Why do you have Siren eye Clanker?"

Nijmegen(confuse): "What are you talking about sir; if you have no orders than I can take my leave so I can examine my eye by Isaac."

Officer(angry): "Don't ignore us Clanker."

He grab my shoulder, but I throw him against the wall and continue to leave the warehouse until I saw Isaac, but have a same look as the others, but unlike the others is more confusing.

Isaac: "What happen to your eye?"

Nijmegen: "You too Isaac? My eye was hurting a little while ago, but it is alright. I got enough problems already; so please don't make it worst than it already has."

Azur Lane: KMS NijmegenWhere stories live. Discover now