Chapter 09: " Threat "

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Ace P.O.V

I went out of my base, leaving Niara alone. I drove my way to Hux's mansion as Dave informed me earlier that he was there. This is strange, as usually Hux is still working or training the new recruits at these hours, but now he's at his mansion. I have a bad feeling about this. Something bad must have happened back there, I guess.

After an hour, I reached Hux Place. I entered the gate with some men guarding it. Something could happen this time, as all of the men who are supposed to be on duty during these hours are usually standing by.

I continued driving and stopped as I reached the parking lot. I parked my car and got my keys before I got out and strolled over to the main door. I was about to open it when I heard a loud roar that echoed all over the mansion. It was Hux.

I opened the door next to me and I saw our men bowing their heads to Hux as he scolded them like he was going to eat them alive. He was really furious, I roamed my eyes and, what the f*uck!

"S*hit!What is this? " I squealed as I saw a burned......human body that had almost turned into ash sitting on a metal chair in front of them. Hux turned his head in my direction with the same expression on his face.

" Get all your ass out of here!" he snarled, commanding our men, who were like scared mice praying not to be killed by the lion. After a second, they all rushed out, leaving only the two of us.

" What is this," I ask as I walk towards his direction to see who this burned man in front of him is. " One of our capos," he responded angrily as he loosened his tie.

I faced the almost ash figure. It's not recognizable as the face of it was completely burned out. I was about to march away when Hux spoke.

He murmured, "Dirty Diamonds," and handed me the knife he was holding. It was a familiar knife; the signature of our top enemy, the mafia; Dirty Diamond.

They have been sending threats lately, but we ignored them as Hux didn't want to go to war against theme again. But this time, they have crossed the line already. Burning one of our good men was too far.

I faced the burned man, I scanned his figure and I saw his earrings. It's a dove.

" Xiaver Parker," I uttered as I recognized the person. " They've gone far, Hayden. They must been really looking for a war then," I finished my word taking back my step away from it.

He strided to the main door and signaled one of our random guards. The guard rushed in and slowly dragged the metal chair in front of me. Hux walked back and went to the living area to grab a glass of wine. I followed him and sat on the opposite couch from him.

" They sent that one here this afternoon," he said, drinking his wine. "They're testing my patience," he added, stroking his hand through his hair as he leaned back.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket before I spoke back. " What's your plan then," putting my phone to my side. I know Hux that well. Working with him since we were eighteen was sufficient time to guess his actions.

" I'll give them what they want," he growled, shutting his eyes off. Then my guess was right. " That one would be fun," I stated, smirking at my thought.

" How's your work," he inquired, still shutting his eyes. A smile formed on my face as I reminisced on the incident earlier.

" She was too far from average, exceeding the normal," I said, remembering how she was able to show her eagerness to join our mafia. " I guess I'll like her, then," he mumbled enough for me to hear. I chuckled. " I guess so," I uttered to him before the main door shut shut.

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