Chapter 08: " Meet "

Start from the beginning

I ran my eyes around the dark corners, and when I got to the right one, I saw a person standing against the wall with her eyes closed.But after what I did, his eyes opened and he looked in my direction. He stood straight and watched me as I entered the room and closed the door behind me. I confidently walked towards the table, not showing any nervousness in my appearance.

" You must be Mr. Caddel," I confirmed with a certain tone as I arrived at the center of this room, holding my purse in my hands in front of me. He walked too, and his image became clearer as the light slowly radiated into his body.

" Yes, I am," he responded as he arrived with his manly voice. I can clearly see him now as he is standing right behind me. He is wearing a gray-colored suit that makes him look like an honorable guy. With a hair neatly pulled upward and a newly shaved face. Overall, I think he's still in his late twenties like me.

" And you must be the one who has the name of Niara Dawson," he affirmed. "You're talking with that person," I respond. He chuckled before he walked again toward the left corner of this room and grabbed a glass of wine.

"Sorry, I am the one who faces you today," he spoke as he drank his glass of wine and marched back to me.

" Should I expect someone else?" I asked as I got his point. He just smiled and put down his glass. " Ace Caddel, the consigliere of this mafia," he formally introduced his self and grab again his glass and drank all the wine.

My mouth formed an 'O' shape as I thought I was now talking to my main target of this mission, but it seems like I still need to spend more days before I can actually meet him. I pulled the metal chair out and sat down. I do that as my feet ache from these heels, even though they're not that high.

"I thought I was talking to the King of this underground world," I said, disappointed.I really thought that the man they called Hayden would be the one to face me, but it's not him. Not yet.

He made a bet laugh.

And it made me look at him because it's a genuine laugh and he's supposed to be a mafia man, so he should not laugh that way. Who said that one? Will, it's from the most trusted person, and it's from; me. Why did I come to that conclusion? Because they were heartless people.

"For now, you're just talking with the tiger, not with the lion," he replied. " Just keep in your mind that our Hayden just got one percent more handsome than me," he added as he sat on the other side of the table, and it earned a laugh from me. I never thought these guys would be like this. I mean, my nervousness was gone now.

He is just not the person you'll be afraid of because of how he responds. But if you look at his appearance, you can tell he's the devil.

" I'm not kidding," He tried to be serious as I was still laughing. I just laughed a bit more.

" Where's the Hayden then?" I ask as I get back from the laughter.

"He's not into this work." I nod.

I concluded, "I guess he's afraid of people then." I earned a shrug from him.

" You guess the opposite of it, Niara," he stated. " People are the ones who are afraid of him," he added.

"Makes me want to join more of his mafia," I chuckled at the thought.I want to know how, tough, ruthless, and merciless. It sounds so interesting as I need to plan his downfall.

He just chuckled at me. " What makes the C.E.O of one of the famous weapons here in Europe suddenly want to join a mafia?" he wondered, as he leaned back on his seat and crossed his arms around his chest.

I'm the one who chuckled this time.

" I'm a business woman, Ace," I uttered confidently. He grinned at me." Afterall, it's a business you can't say no," I added and leaned close to him and put my hand to top of the table.

"You're different," he said in misbelief.

I just shrugged. I convinced him, "So let's close the deal now, Ace," and pulled a cheque out of my purse. It was the money my master gave me. I slide it onto the table towards his direction.

" It's my first investment, I'll invest more after a month," I added. He picked it up and read it. He laughed at it.

" A wise business woman, indee," he retorted. I just smirk.

" So is it closed now?" I asked to confirm it. He handed back to me the cheque, and he pulled out a black card from his wallet afterwards. He slipped it to me as well. I grabbed it.

" Be there, and we'll close the deal if you've still got that courage to join us," I read the words on the card. It was an invitation. Sunday night, 7 p.m.

" It's not yet too late, Niara. Go on, continue your peaceful life away from us. "Away from the mafia world," he spoke as he stood up from his seat.

I was about to talk when the door slammed open and the same guys who brought me here came out.

" Hayden wants to see you, Ace," he informed Ace.

" Think about it, Niara," he said as he went out. be continued.......

Hi guys, sorry for the unstable days of updating. It's just that I went home and I couldn't have time to post an update.

But still, I will post three chapters a week. That's a promise, I will not break that one♡.

So for you to keep updated, please follow, vote, comment, and add this story to your library:-)

That's for now guys. Stay safe and take care always♡.

_♡Ms. El

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