Chapter 376-377

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Lin Dan calmly plucked all the vegetables in Zhoujia's land, chopped vines with vines, rooted roots, and left no leaves for Zhou's family. Many villagers stood on the field to watch the excitement, pointing and giggling at her, but no one came down to stop it.

Zhou Cunzhi didn't dare to stop Lin Dan. He stood aside and looked at his face and couldn't hang up, so he told the photographer: "Let's go, it's okay. This child has difficulties at home. He often comes to my house to pick vegetables. It's nothing."

The film crew had doubts, but they didn't hold them. After all, the two just said a few words, their looks were peaceful, and they didn't fight. It was not cost-effective to delay the normal shooting for this. A group of people hurried and hurried away. The three teenagers also stood on Tianyu and watched a lively excitement. The boring face finally showed a little interesting expression.

The boy in the lead was very tall, his hair was cut into short and stylish plates, his eyebrows were sharp, his eyes were bright, and his nose was daring. He was really beautiful. The boy standing on his left was very thin, and he looked soft and feminine. He was wearing a pair of golden glasses on the bridge of his nose, and looked very gentle. The boy standing on his right had very white skin, round body, but eyes. It's not small, her nose is crooked, her mouth is red, she's so cute.

They stretched their necks to watch the excitement, with a smile on their faces.

Jiao Xiao'e was so angry that he stomped his feet and kept Lin Dan from pulling out, but he didn't dare to abuse. You know, if the film crew isn't there, she can scold anything that is offensive. When the original owner's parents were still alive, she often said in the back that the Lin family was a tyrant. The owner of the original owner died, and she said that the original owner was the lonely star of the father and mother, and she was not allowed to cross the door. If anyone offends her, she can stop at the door of someone's house and scold her for a whole day, and when you eat, she runs in and throws your bowl, which is a masterpiece of Liuxing Village.

Zhou Fang and Zhou Cuicui pulled grandma's arm from side to side, for fear that she would run down to fight with Lin Dan, so their house would be shamed. Zhou Fang's teeth clenched tightly and told himself to be patient, but Zhou Cuicui's eyes were red and she looked aggrieved.

The tall boy narrowed his eyes at the two companions, and seemed to say that the girl was fun, and then returned to the Zhou family at the urging of the director to continue shooting.

Zhou Cunzhi climbed up to Tian Yan, and said something in Jiao Xiao's ear, and then dragged the calm old lady home.

Lin Dan knew that Zhou's family would not stop himself, so he calmly pulled out all the seedlings and plants, and picked up a **** and shoveled the loofah vine with roots. Then he began to pick tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and other vegetables on the plant one by one. Come down and put it in the wheelbarrow.

"Uncle Liao, doesn't your family collect vegetables? I'll sell them all to you today?" Lin Dan looked at a middle-aged man standing on the field.

The man hesitated a little, she continued: "These two acres were planted by my grandfather, and the seeds were also bought by my grandfather. My grandfather was seriously injured because of his family Jiao Xiao'e, and his family didn't want to pay a dime. I Ca n't you take these things to pay off the debt? You can rest assured that Zhou Cunzhi ca n't find me any trouble now. "Then Luo raised his jaw and motioned to the middle-aged man to see the off-road vehicles parked at the entrance to the village.

The middle-aged man no longer hesitated, busy: "You wait, I go home to get the scales." He usually collects vegetables at night, and when they are transported into the city at night, they can be sold in the morning, when the dishes are the freshest. Lin Dan also happened to happen. He was worried that the amount of vegetables he received today was not enough.

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