Chapter 312-313

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Following the heated discussion in the "Peach Blossom Robbery" news, another press release once again pushed public opinion to a climax. The author wrote: [Ms. Lin can't stand the tag of worshiping the golden girl. According to the author's survey, Ms. Lin has been accepted by Harvard and received a full scholarship. She published three heavyweight papers in one of the world's top biological authoritative journals within a month, and was praised as a revolutionary discovery by the biological community. The luxury goods and apartments that Mr. Wang gave to Ms. Lin have been sold off by Ms. Lin, and all the proceeds have been used to pay for the hospitalization and medical expenses of Mr. Wang's mother. Some people have conspiracy theories, saying that Ms. Lin appeared in front of Wang Zhaokun with her child in order to gain the last benefit. The author here popularizes a knowledge point for the public: the bankruptcy of China and the bankruptcy of Western countries are two different concepts. Western countries The bankruptcy law of China is better than that of China, which can guarantee the debtors' rights and guarantee their living needs to the greatest extent. However, in China, bankruptcy is just a simple asset liquidation and auction. In other words, it is impossible for Mr. Wang Zhaokun to keep his property. Ms. Lin stood up at this time, not only did not get any benefits, but also carried an astronomical debt. Miss Lin gave up her studies and future, and instead carried those things that she should not have. I really couldn't understand her choice, but I respected her character. The three words of worshiping the golden girl have nothing to do with Miss Lin. I only saw a new age woman who is self-reliant, self-motivated and has a sense of responsibility ...]

The author attached the payment list of the nursing home, the papers published by Lin Dan, and the acceptance notice in the draft. The controversy on the Internet came to an abrupt halt. Then a reporter ran to interview at the B-Broadcast. Sure enough, from the head of the department, Lin Dan's academic performance was very good and he was indeed accepted by Harvard. At this time, if she chooses to give birth to a child, or even carry a huge debt, her future can be imagined. She had better choices and a smoother road ...

The reporter interviewed dozens of passers-by at random and asked them what choices they would make if they were in a situation like Lin Dan. Ninety-nine percent of them chose to kill their children, and they gave good reasons: Since my partner has betrayed me, why should I give birth to his child? I have such a good future, why should I go to pay his debts? Can't, really can't, I won't do it for a scumbag It's stupid to ruin my life. "

After the interview video was posted on the Internet, the abusive comments on Lin Dan disappeared instantly. It's too ironic that the three words "golden girl" fell on Lin Dan's head. What about Wang Jun's money? Can he be better than Lin Dan? Can he be more responsible than Lin Dan? He died, but Lin Dan had to bear everything for him, save his parents, give birth to children, and raise an adult. What is his reason?

Public opinion reversed instantly. How much netizens hated Lin Dan before, how much she felt bad about her now. If it's not too urgent, she probably won't tell the news of her pregnancy, right? The **** of destiny seemed to play a cruel joke with her.

Sorry to see Manping, Han Xu finally let go of his high heart. Although many people turned to scold Wang Jun, but what about it? He can't just watch Lin Dan endure cyber violence in order to protect a dead person. He knows that public opinion can kill people.

He quietly opened the door of the room to see Lin Dan's condition, and found that she was sleeping heavily before leaving the apartment.

The next day, Han Xu bought a large package of nutritional products to visit Lin Dan, only to find that she was answering the phone pale.

"Okay, I know. I'll be right here." Lin Dan hung up the phone in a hurry.

Han Xu asked anxiously: "What's wrong?"

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