Chapter 201-205

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Chapter 201

The next morning, members of the Nirvana team gathered in the restaurant on the second floor of the hotel for breakfast. Lin Dan followed slowly behind Xiao Qiu. The two powers who violently gave her a stern glance at Xiao Qiu yesterday, and then smiled coldly at her.

Lin Dan bowed his head, pretending to be frightened, but his eyes were terribly cold. She knows that although these people were stopped by Xiao Qiu yesterday, they did not suffer a great deal, and she certainly had that kind of shy mind. Once Xiaoqiu is gone, they will continue to violence her, and the things that can't be eaten into her mouth are often the most remembered. She can't pin her hope on others forever. What should she do if Xiao Qiu is not there and the doctor is not?

Seeing a few ordinary women who had been spoiled all night and looked extremely embarrassed, Lin Dan's already hard heart was now wrapped in layers of ice. She looked around and found that Dr. Xiao was standing in the cleanest corner, looking at the members of the Nirvana team blankly. From time to time Nie Ting walked over to ask him what he wanted to eat, but he shook his head and refused. His researchers are gathering at a table for dinner, but they feel uneasy. They will go to see his face every few minutes, as if he is afraid that he will get in trouble. It can be seen that he is also a tyrant in the institute, and belongs to the same kind of characters.

The restaurant has been deserted for a long time, everywhere is covered with dust, the white cloth on the dining table has turned gray, and the forks and tableware are also stained with dirt. But these dirty scenes are nothing in the eyes of the last generation. They lift the tablecloth and wipe the table stool to sit down and eat a good meal.

But Xiao Junlin couldn't. If it wasn't for Lin Dan, he wouldn't step into this place at all.

Lin Dan stared at him with no need for any communication to understand what he meant. She took a tablecloth, a napkin, a pair of tableware, and asked Xiaoqiu to remove a stool and return to the original room. After entering the bathroom, she asked Xiaoqiu to call out two large buckets of water, clean the tablecloths, napkins and cutlery at a very fast speed, boil and sterilize, and wrap the stool in a film of water. After high-frequency shock, it was heated to a Baidu. After doing all this, the original dirty tablecloths and napkins were as white as new, and the stool was shiny and very clean.

Xiao Qiu stood straight outside the bathroom door, without any interest in Lin Dan's every move. If you don't look closely, no one will find her eyes actually dull.

After bringing things back to the restaurant, Lin Dan found a rag, wiped a dining table in the corner, laid a tablecloth, put a napkin on it, and set up the utensils. Then he opened the stool and respectfully said, "Doctor, you can eat. "

She and Xiao Qiu's act of arranging the dining table was too solemn, which caused the other members to frequently watch. People who do not know who the royal family members are are coming and are enjoying state-level treatment.

Xiao Junlin's cold air field slowly converged, walking slowly, sitting still, using a knife and fork to cut a piece of dried bread sprinkled with fruit sauce by Xiao Qiu. Xiao Qiu nodded slightly and went to the table of Liu Ye, soaked a packet of instant noodles, and Lin Dan took out a packet of biscuits and stood sipping behind the doctor.

Liu Ye was very critical of Xiao Qiu's behavior to please Dr. Xiao, and told her a few words, but looked at Lin Dan's eyes with sneer. What about holding a gold thigh, ca n't even eat at the table, is n't it like a mouse in a gutter?

Lin Dan could feel the malicious look of Liu Ye, but he was too lazy to lift his head and only ate by himself. In order to take good care of Dr. Xiao, she has delayed a lot of time, and it is too late to make instant noodles, so she can only eat a little dry food. If she's grinded, willow leaves will definitely leave her alone.

MTL (144-475) - The Female Supporting Role Shows OutNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ