Chapter 26

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THE DRIVER PARKED THE SLEDGE in front of the gates of the grand Rosenfield Abbey, its structure a looming gem over the white of the snowy landscape and the firm dark of the iron gates.

Jessie Churchill, The Viscount Graham and Lord Oscar Seymour poured out of the vehicle, their anxious and hurried steps taking them quickly inside.

The Butler met them, a bewildered expression on his face as though he may have missed The Lady Beresford's summons of the coming of these particular guests.

The Viscount Graham tapped the man on the shoulder, giving him a look as he made for Jessie and Oscar to rush past. The three, soon made their way to the main hall where the sobbing figure of the lady of house sat by a round polished wood table. The figure of Thomas Cranmer stood not much further, his back to her and hands pinned behind. Lady Acacia stood behind her sobbing mother-in-law a blank expression on her face. Jessie realized then, that the woman had long forgone her role in all of this. Perhaps, she had never meant for it to extend over a certain period.

The extension had took her by surprise, yet she'd let it knock her down. And now? Lady Acacia was just a leaf in the background, waiting for a strong wind to sweap her away to a better place.

Beside Lady Acacia, stood the calculating Lady Graham. Her posture was steel, and her brows betrayed a strange expression on her face. As though she was merely part of an audience, waiting and watching how the performance unfolds.

"Stop," The Viscount Graham called out, his voice booming, drawing every attention in the room towards him.

Jessie and Oscar stopped behind him. The Lady Beresford let out a sniffle, her eyes red, expression defeated.

Thomas Cranmer turned to face the new additions. His brow raised at the sight of Jessie, intrigued and amused.

"I see the imposter is out," He smirked, and the Lady Beresford let out a sharp cry at the word, breaking out into form shaking sobs again.

"She is here to help me stop you, Cranmer, and to expose you," The Viscount spoke, eyes glaring, hands fisting at his sides.

"Expose me?" The man let out a laugh, "Here I am offering to find my niece and bring her back in return for a comparitively small price. What have I done to deserve exposure?"

"I will sign it," The Lady Beresford broke out loudly, "Do not interfere Viscount Graham. Thomas Cranmer knows where my Aramina is."

The Lady looked at Cranmer, hate, fury and distraught so evident on her face that it made Jessie's heart break.

"No, he doesn't," Jessie let out, finding her courage throbbing like her pulse inside her, "He is lying, or otherwise unaware of the recent developments."

A flash of irritation washed across Cranmer's features as he glared at her. The Lady Beresford too, cast her eyes on her with curiosity lined with evident distaste. The woman hated Jessie, and there was nothing Jessie could do to help it but stay true to her purpose.

"Lady Embry is on her way to Bakewell," Jessie continued, glancing at Oscar briefly and receiving a nod of encouragement from him. "According to Lord Seymour, and word from Lord Beresford, they will be arriving at Rosenfield sometime today."

The Lady Beresford gasped, her hands on her lips, chest heaving.

"You lie," Thomas Cranmer seethed. "My men have located my niece in Portsmouth. She is with them, safely, and I am in the process of bringing her back here."

Jessie met his strong, hateful glare. "As I said, you are unaware of the recent developements, sir."

"Prove it," The Lady Beresford's sharp claim interceded, her eyes pinning Jessie down. "I find it difficult to believe a word you say. You are no better than him." She glanced at Cranmer with revulsion.

𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐋𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora