Ep. 12 "Text"

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Taehyung: Jisoo, noona! I'm begging please! Just Jennie's number! I've been begging you for hours! Please give it to me!

Jisoo: *Groans* Ugh! Fine! But don't tell her that I gave it to you!

Taehyung: I will! Thank you, noona!

Jisoo: Here's Jennie's number **** *** ****. Now leave me alone!

Taehyung: Thanks again! *Texted Jennie*

|| Jennie's POV ||

Jennie: *Suddenly woke up when she heard her phone got a notification*

Jennie: *Suddenly woke up when she heard her phone got a notification*

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Jennie's heart skipped a beat

Jennie: Who the hell is this?! Why did my heart skipped a beat??

Her eyes become teary for no reason

Jennie: Why am I crying?

Hoseok: *Knocks on the door* Jennie-ssi, are you awake already? Our breakfast is ready. We're waiting for you, princess.

Jennie: Y-yeah. I'm going down, just a minute. *Wiped her tears and went downstairs*

Yoongi: Yah! Sit beside me.

In the evening

While they're watching a movie, Namjoon looked at Jennie and saw her emotionless.

Namjoon: Jennie, are you okay?

Jennie: *Nod and looked at her phone still thinking about the text*

Yoongi: You're not okay, give me your phone. *Snatched her phone*

A/N: Sorry for the long wait!!😅 I've been busy for the past few days because of my studies so I haven't been able to update my story. 🥰 Thank you for waiting!

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