Chapter 7 Reincarnated Friends

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It was hard to believe that he was talking about the same Vanessa. But maybe she treats them differently. She seemed the way Freddy described this morning.

You opened your mouth to speak but something stopped you.

Friend. Look. The eyes.

There was a voice. Something familiar whispering in the back of your head urging you to pay close attention to Vanessa's eyes. For a moment they looked unusual. Shades of purple swirled in the center of her green eyes. It almost stuck out, like the purple was glitching in her iris. You blinked and the moment you had it was gone.

What was that?

You let out a shaky breath. Maybe it was a trick of the eye, you're tired after all. Working open to close would exhaust anyone after all. That has to be what that was.

"(Y/N)?" Vanessa seemed worried about you and your staring. You shook your head coming back to reality with a light laugh.

"Sorry I zoned out for a second. Working open to close probably isn't good for me." You brushed your hair from your face.
"Going back to what you were saying though, who cares what people think? Everyone has their own issues going on and if they're so quick to judge you they're probably not great people."

Vanessa shrugged a bit at your words.

"Yeah well, it's hard to remember that." Her tone was quite. You turned to look at a few employees on their way out. You pointed towards one of them.

"Look at Nick for example." As you pointed Vanessa turned to see who you were talking about. Watching closely as the tall man walked.
"He's got a lot on his mind right now just like you. He's not a saint, if you pay attention to the way he walks and his body language you can see he's thinking. He's holding his bag too tightly and he keeps looking to his phone every time it goes off. My guess is either he's cheating and anxious to get caught or he's thinking about breaking up with his girlfriend and doesn't know how to go about it."

Vanessa stared watching as Nick disappeared from sight really listening to your words. Then she turned back to you eyes crinkled in curiosity.

"How could you tell all that?" She leaned back with a raised eyebrow.
"You're not like Sherlock Holmes are you?"

You laughed a little at her slight jab. You shook your head.

"No I'm not that good, I used to be a cop. Part of my job was profiling, I just looked into it more than my coworkers." You hummed.
"That sort of stuff always caught my interest. I wanted to be a detective you know."

Vanessa was quite. The gears in her head turning. It was then you realized maybe you said too much. You didn't want her putting two and two together after all.

"Is that the real reason why you're working here?" Vanessa's question startled you. She crossed her arms eyeing you almost suspiciously.

"What do you mean?" You smiled deciding to play dumb.

"I mean, is the reason you're really working here because of the stories about this place." Vanessa was careful with how she phrased it. Eyes sliding back and forth almost like she imagined someone was listening in on the conversation.

She thinks I'm working here because of the company's past.

You wanted to heave a sigh of relief. That was better than connecting the dots that you were a detective of sorts.

"Nah," you pushed a chair back into place now to seem productive, "the truth is I actually have a lot of good memories about Freddy's. I used to come here a lot when I was a kid."

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