plsss understand...

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Guys.... I didn't try to hurt anyone's fellings in the above chapter... I just wrote my point of view... Which I felt while watching those episodes... Actually vansh is my favorite.. I adore his character so much... But what the  character did.. Was not right...

Ya .....he didn't take ahana in his room but what he actually did was much more heinous.... Regarding someone else as his wife in front of real one..

And he didn't allow ahana to cross her limits it is good.. It was because he might have regarded it beyond his ethics...

Look it was a protagonist character.. And it has its own bad and good side..
I know we love the character... But i wrote what I felt right... According to me... Because at the end of the day.. A soory can't mend everything....

At first playing with felling  and respect then take them back when you fell you were wrong...

Makers didn't write the part od ahana's traack morally correct..

Again I am saying... It's just my view..

Just.. Like when I saw vansh loving riddhima in the screen.. It made me happy..

Simultaneously.. When I saw the ahana part it made be a bit gloomy..

That's it..

Plsss... Don't take the dialogue and story line seriously...

At the end of the day...

Everything is fictional...

And why riddhima left the house...
Because it was enough for her characters to bear all those shetty people.. It's high time for riddhima to leave in a healthy environment with her true family..

And keep faith upon me.. I always give happy ending in my every story..

Thank you

I hope I didn't hurt your feelings..

Forgive for any grammatical mistake.


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