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Jane stared at YN, wide-eyed. She looked like a toddler that just got caught stealing from the cookie jar.

Or maybe this was worse than stealing from a cookie jar. Maybe.

"I can explain."

YN stared back at the girl, unsure of how to feel. She was slightly scared, severely shocked, but mostly tired.

A glance at the clock hanging in the kitchen revealed that it was 1:07 in the morning.

"It's too early for this shit, and I am going back to bed."


After sleeping for six hours and questioning if the earlier experience was simply a dream she had, YN got out of bed.

Jane was already awake. She sat on the couch, tapping on the mug she held. She seemed on edge.

"You alright?" Jane quickly turned on the couch to look at YN.

"I, uh," Jane stumbled with her words. "Can we talk about earlier?"

YN hesitated. "So, I really wasn't dreaming." She walked over and joined Jane on the couch.

The two sat in awkward silence.

"So," YN drawled. "Where do you wanna start? 'Cause it's not every day that you see floating objects at one in the morning."

Jane uttered a quiet 'yeah' as she shifted uncomfortably.

"Y'know how I was adopted?"

YN sat through an hour of 'storytime,' learning the truth about the life Jane previously.

A lab with human experiments, a missing boy, weird creatures, a shit ton of blood, evil Russians, and death.

YN sat huddled up, staring straight back at Jane.

"When we started becoming friends, I really wanted to tell you- mostly because I didn't want this big secret hidden from you," Jane explained. "But saying 'hey, I can move things with my mind and fought these unearthly creatures' isn't something that you bring up in casual conversation. It's something that you don't bring up at all."

She looked nervously at YN. Her expression was unreadable, and it terrified Jane to think about how she might respond.

Her anxiety bubbled, desperately waiting for YN to speak.

"You know," Jane's heart skipped a beat as YN began speaking, "in any other situation, I wouldn't believe you. But, it's kind of hard not to when I saw several floating plates and bags." YN's expression changed to a smile.

"If you think I'm going to tell anyone about this, you don't have to worry," she told her. "I wouldn't want you to tell if I were in your situation. Plus, no one would believe me anyway."

Jane's anxiety washed away, a relieved smile growing on her face.

"I still plan on dragging around the city to show you the ridiculous decorations," YN sat up with a look on her face. "You're not getting out of that."

Jane giggled. "Why would I want to?"

"Beats me," YN joked. "Does this mean I can call you Eleven, then?"

"If you want. It's what my friends and family call me, so I don't see the problem."

“Does this qualify me as a friend, then?” She looked up at YN and stared for a moment.

“Obviously,” she teased.

"Well, then, Eleven, I plan on taking you sightseeing tomorrow."

Eleven X Reader one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang