9 - Everything's Alright, Right?

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Ace Wilder's POV

The gentle knocking at the door, woke me up. The roommate closest to me, Rory, had walked around his bed and answered the door. Only having a quiet exchange with the other person before I heard the door shut even loudly, as if on purpose. I would've already turned around to show I was awake now but before I could even about doing that, I realized my hands were clenched onto the bedding. My body suddenly weighing thousands of pounds as it basically tells me not to get up.

Rory's heavy but quiet footsteps slightly vibrated the room as I not only felt his presence next to my bed but also his stare. Was he going to wake me up? I should've just woke up when he originally opened the door, now it is a bit of a awkward situation to wake up to. I didn't hear him walk away yet so I can only assume he was still there or if he decided to quietly walk away unlike when he first walked up to my bed. My hair was long enough to cover over my face and my positioning was curled up into a ball so I knew he couldn't see me but something about how I imagined his eyes from the day before made me shiver. I felt weird, not in the sense of being anxious or nervous but rather, I felt more like a bunny rabbit trying to hide from prey as if he was going to attack me or do something to me. I'm sure it was all just weird intrusive thoughts and I could've been overthinking things as I usually do.

Suddenly he let out a low laughter and instead of being a little taken aback, I turned my head looking directly at him without a second thought. I instantly regretted it since as soon as I looked and made eye contact with him, he had a dark but clearly upset look in his eyes. Not sure what he was thinking about as he stood over at me or why he even was in the first place but I didn't say anything to him as I didn't want to get yelled at or worse, get on bad terms with my dorm mates. I just stared up at him, not knowing what my expression even looked like although it was probably a strange one. I was analyzing his facial expressions now as well as his features. He was really good looking, as if he weren't even real. Even having a tall, muscular framed body.

"Mornin' your uniform arrived so you should get changed now. Morning call is in about 15." His voice came out raspy as he spoke in a sleepy yet deep tone. I wasn't even expecting him to speak to me, hearing his voice made me realize that I still was just looking up at him. I quickly sat up on my bed, taking the bag that he placed on my desk and clumsy fumbling around as I tried to distract myself from the embarrassment of how I already acted.

Realizing that I never said anything back to him I was going to say good morning back to him but before I could find the words or more likely, the courage, the other two dorm mates exited out the bathroom together. Although it was just a passing thought, I still noticed that they looked like they'd been kissing each other. It was actually more obvious than you would expect, red lips and lingering glances at each other. I never been in a relationship but it's usually presented like that in movies but then again this is real life. I glanced over looking at the bathroom door, trying to stand up and walk inside before Rory could but I was too afraid as he was still kinda near my bed as his is the one closest to me. I wobbly stood upright, as I grabbed my bag with my uniform more firmly although before I could even step toward the bathroom Rory was already just walking inside then he was all the way inside.

I let out a quiet and exhausted sigh, not being able to get enough sleep last night or maybe it was not that good because more likely than not sleeping on different bed and room all together, it's the first room that I have ever shared with other people. I narrowly glanced around the room, Nic and Jasper were still finishing up as they got ready. I wasn't sure if changing in the main room was a good idea and I certainly wasn't going to ask the other guys.

I awkwardly sat back down, hunched over as I looked through the bag finding the undershirt. I couldn't really remember if I even gave my clothing size but seeing the small little black undershirt and rest of the clothing being small as well then I probably did. Pulling the undershirt over my shirt that I was already wearing, I adjusted it a bit before pulling my arms inside the shirt so I could take off the other shirt. It was more easy than I thought it would be. Although I got it off, the more uncomfortable part was the pants. I shoot my gaze trying to find Nic and Jasper through my hair, they both currently weren't looking my way and instead was facing the opposite direction. I swiftly stood up untying my pants as I did before practically jumping into the uniform bottoms.

I wasn't sure why I felt so weirdly alright in this room, but besides from the occasional feelings around Rory, the other roommates make me feel comfy at least a little bit and I can't even explain why. Jasper was nice to me when I first met them and Nic has such a calm personality. I'm not too sure about Rory since he was just standing over me and laughing for what I think is no reason. If I had the courage I would ask but I don't and I'd rather him not be too annoyed at me. Perhaps because I was thinking about him, he finished up in the bathroom and almost instantly we made eye contact. I had just finished buttoning up my uniform shirt.

His eye brows narrowed and he looked even more upset than when he first went in the bathroom. I don't know what happened or how his personality usually is but he seemed like someone you wouldn't want to get into a fight with at the most, not even someone you'd want to get into a argument with. He was really tall and had sharp features that made him look like he was upset all the time or maybe he just rarely smiled. I'm not sure about him yet but I'm also not sure I want find out more.

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