2 - I Was Scouted?

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Ace Wilder's POV

The stadium seemed to burst with hollers and whistling as I bent over, placing my hands on my knees. I exaggeratedly gasped in and out, attempting to steady my rapidly pulsing heart. Heavy tears fill my sore eyes as they threaten to fall any moment now. The crippling headache inducing ringing in my ears had already started making my surroundings twirl and blurry.

Slowly moved my body around, I look toward a group of people, most likely my teammates, happily laughing with each other that it was finally over while I stood on the mound alone. I fiddle with my glove before clutching onto it tightly trying to comfort myself. That one inning made me forget that I am not apart of this team. No, I was never apart of this time to begin with. I exhale sharply before taking off my hat and wiping the sweat that was accumulating on my forehead.

"Wilder, get over here! Don't just stand there!" I flinched, nearly dropping my hat I was holding clenched in my fist. The heavily gasp for air, moving my hand on my collar in a exhausted attempt to breathe more regularly. The pitching coaches strained voice screeched at me once again, I quickly turned my head over at him, "Don't just stare, cmon!"

Frightened, I ran over to him in a panicky state. I was still uneasy of the mixed feelings of disappointment from my peers or excitement for myself which made me apprehensive about going towards them. Nevertheless, I didn't look up from my feet as I inched closer over to them, squeezing my onto my hat tightly before putting it on. The coaches feet came into view lined up facing me, "Y..Yes?!" My voice whimpered out.

Only silence filled the stadium, my senses widen. My skin tingles, breathing deeper I take in more air. I listen with greater intensity. I could feel the endless amount of stares from them as my entire body begins to burn, turning a shade of red. In a try to soothe the scorching burns, I aggressively grip onto any showing skin only to turn my body even more red. I fumbled my ear, looking around with my head down, wanting to find a way out of here. My body started jerking violently as I squeeze my eyes shut. My heart slowly accelerated until it was beating quickly.

"You're done and a word of advice, if you want to get better, get rid of that ridiculous form." I watch his feet as he turns his body around as I watch the other coaches quietly do the same and follow behind him. I wouldn't even be able to lift my head up if I wanted to. My posture droops as I felt myself collapsing in. My head bowing down even more to hide my heated face. I forcefully press and rub my tongue against the roof of my mouth, squeezing my eyes shut. I just stood there momentarily looking at the ground in a blank state until I figured they were decently away. I hadn't notice I had stopped breathing until I was gasping for air and as soon as I breathed, It was like a flood of tears slowly trickled out.

Although I didn't even want to imagine the looks on there faces, I still did and all I can think of was disappointment. Softly as I could, I cried as I packed all my belongings into my bag. Of course, I knew it hadn't been good enough for them, everything I did wasn't good enough for them. It's my fault.

I never thought that it would have turn out this way. Endless thoughts of doubts start rushing in my head. Sitting back down in my usual spot, I uncontrollably shake my legs as it gets harder to control my cries. Closing my eyes, I attempt to calm myself down but that just leads to more floods of questions. My skin felt like it was sweltering and my throat felt dry. I hurriedly close my bag, standing up in a quick motion before losing my balance and falling onto the bench. I hear people to the left of me openly mock me by laugh.

I rush to get up again, this time ignoring the dizziness and proceeded myself towards the exit, my hat was all the way down covering my face and I had my arms crossed firmly, digging my fingernails into my skin. I reached the parking lot hoping to easily find my parents waiting for me. Spotting them slightly amongst other people, I hurried over to them. I just want to go home now.

"Ace Wilder! There you are, you did amazing out there!" A stranger's voice boomed out louder than all the voice around. I kept my head down, silent tears falls down my face as I try to keep quiet.
"....No," My voice croaked out, my plans of keeping my parents from noticing I was crying were spoiled in just a few seconds. I felt defenseless unable to hold back my stuttering voice back, "T..tha...that's not true."

"What makes you say that?" He questions me with a almost gentle and soothing voice despite being the loudest one in this area. He grabs my left handed, before fumbling with all the callouses that I have from the endless amount of pitching practice I've done.

"Be..because I ruined the.. I ruined the game." I practically cried out, unable to hold my cries back as I realize that I really did ruin the game. I hear the man laugh softly before taking my hat off. I look into his eyes for the first time, although it was blurry from the tears that has accumulated. I watch as he drops the cap on the floor in front of him, stepping on it as if it were nothing but a insect.

"It's truly a oversight. I had expected you to be confident with such skills," his statement brings me back to the little confidence that I felt with my first pitch, I quickly shake my head as I squeeze my eyes closed once again, refusing eye contact, "It's not your fault, Ace. The catcher was obviously having trouble catching your pitches, not to mention, he wasn't even giving you signs."

I glance up at him, my jaw slightly dropping as I got a better look at him before returning to my cowering state. I sluggishly shrug at him. He starts fumbling around in his pockets searching for something. He ends up pulling out a card of some sort and a pamphlet.

"Ace, I would like to scout you for Elk Winter Baseball Boarding Academy for Boys" he had a overwhelming amount of confidence laced into his voice, "Now, there is no need to answer now, you do have all summer break to think about it. I brought my card and a pamphlet, here you go. It's up to you to decide if you want to stay with a team that doesn't appreciate your talents."

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