Prologue: Got No Plans Tomorrow Night

Start from the beginning

Heh. That was mistake #1.

He never knew what hit him.

You shot something odd and cold from you hands, which spread and hit the guard, who, with wide eyes was knocked out the way and out the door, leaving yourself to close it and lock it.

"That's how it's done, fools." You said, satisfied and feeling probably more than slightly mischievous.

The alarms had started to blare, damn annoying things, but you proceeded to place the gum on the glass, the diamond, and smash through with the fire extinguisher. There. All done.
Just as planned.

Oh yeah.

You sat there for a while, the Crown Jewels in your hand, since it took the police exactly three minutes and forty-seven seconds to arrive, and when they did they burst in a bit loudly with guns and all, shouting, "PUT YOUR HANDS UP YOU'RE UNDER...arrest....a teen kid?" Disbelief planted itself on their faces and stayed rooted there, growing, growing.

You smirked. "No rush."

Then you set down the special items and took off the crown, jumped into the air, shooting more of the cold from your hands which spread for the second time, but here it was above heads of the police and you slid away, out the door and past the security. Hopping off your slide you called out, "Later!"

Running around the corner, past the police cars and tons of people who attempted to stop you but failed, you eventually made it to an empty ally were you were able to stop and throw off the uncomfortable suit you'd worn because underneath you had a grey tee-shirt and dark blue jeans.

Taking the pack you had hidden there earlier you pulled out an also grey sweatshirt and a pair of well worn Converse and slung the backpack over your back, raking your hand through your (hair colour) hair before placing a cap on your head.

Another smile formed, as you allowed yourself to ease up. You'd done it.

"I love it when a plan comes together." You said, laughing.

Of course, that's when everything went wrong, and you heard a voice.


"Well, look who got the attention of a particular few agents and basically the whole world."

You whipped around, shocked at hearing a voice you'd never heard before, but the problem was you seemed to recognise it, yet not knowing from where and it irked you.
The figure was in the shadows. You couldn't see them, even if you squinted, and your eyesight was pretty good.

"Not so confident are you now, (your name)?"

"Shut up!" You shouted, then clamped a hand over your mouth in an effort to keep calm. "Wait, how do you know my name? Why are you even here?" Then, "Ah, I see. Of course you'd follow me here." Wow, that sounded so cliché.

"A particular someone attempted to steal the Crown Jewels. A particular someone who we've been watching for quite a while used particular means to get in and out. That's why we're here. As for how we know your name, if I showed you my badge I doubt you'd be surprised how I know."

"Uh huh. And you're looking for this 'particular' someone?"

A chuckle. "We don't have to look. We found them."

Well, shit. No way to stall for time now. Time to...time to...
"You know what I can do?" You ask, holding up your hands.


You gestured around you and let out a laugh. "Okay. Sure. Why don't you share with the rest of the class before I use it."

"I'm not in the mood for games."

Your eyes narrowed. "That's a shame. I thought you liked it, this little game of ours. But if you aren't, then neither am I." Humph, that escalated quickly.

Unfortunately, you underestimated the man in the shadows. In your defense it'd been a while since you'd seen them.

He stepped out, holding out a badge. "S.H.I.E.L.D Agent Grant Ward, as you know. Fitz, you ready?"

A Scottish voice replied. "Yes. Simmons?"

A slightly shaky voice. "Yes," it said.

They were coming from all angles. You weren't ready for this. No no no....

A final voice cut through, two more figures coming around the corner, backing you in. You wanted to react, but you didn't know how to. Use your power? Form a genius plan?

"Agent Phil Coulson. Stand down, (your name)." He said. A second agent stood by his side, eying you warily, watching for any tricks.

The final words hit you like a gunshot. It was over.

"You're under arrest."

That was a few years ago. Ha-ha, as if.

Who were kidding?


Five years.
You weren't sure it mattered, now.

"I got the wrong kind of attention," you muttered, shaking your head sullenly. Here you were, a few years from your break-in and arrest by S.H.I.E.L.D, stuck in a place for criminals.

The Fridge.


Sure, they treated you more like a guest, letting you practice your power and giving you good food. Even clothes. But you were still in a cell.

And it still stung.

And all you needed, was a miracle.
Best part was?

Your wish was about to come true.

Well well well
What's up?

Yeah, I started a Marvel Fanfiction.

You can expect Asgardians, Avengers, Hydra and obviously, S.H.I.E.L.D.
And whoops, a few plot twists.
I mean, what?

Vote, comment, share and tell me how I'm doing so far I'll do meh best to update and stuff and blah. But yo, I really do hope you enjoy this I've put a lot of thought into the thing believe it or not.

lightning before the thunder,

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