♡ 4. Suspicion ♡

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I woke up later than I usually do. Trish wasn't laying by my side anymore, so I figured everyone else was up too. I threw the blanket away and got ready to go downstairs. I put my hair up like I usually do and put on the F/C dress my previous boyfriend had bought me. He was a dick, but I wasn't going to let a nice dress go to waste. Once I got downstairs, I noticed there was barely anyone around. That's weird... Would they leave me, a stranger, alone in their house? I walked into the kitchen to find a small note on the fridge.

"Good morning, Y/N.
We've gone out to do some work for the day. Narancia should still be home if you need anything.
See you tonight,

So Narancia is home at least? I wonder where he is... And I wonder what they're doing. I thought about the missions Trish had mentioned yesterday. Didn't that man at the Café mention something about a mafia? I laughed out loud at the thought. These people? In the mafia? Ridiculous!

"Y/N? Oh! You're up!" I flinched at the sound of the voice. Narancia had walked into the kitchen while I hadn't noticed it.

"Narancia, you scared me!" He laughed. It was actually a pretty laugh.

"Sorry! I just never thought you'd wake up. They left me here to keep you company while they-" He cut himself off. "While they're away."

"...And why are they away?" I asked, as he had raised my suspicion of them now.

"Uh- It's work! Yeah, Bucciarati said it's work." I kept looking at him.

"Is there something you're not telling me? Like, what you do for work?" He looked away from me now, unable to maintain eye contact. Could I... Be right about the whole Mafia thing?

"Oh- Uh- Don't worry about it. I'm not supposed to talk about it anyways..." The following seconds were filled with silence. Should I ask? It wouldn't be wrong to ask right? I stepped closer to him, which seemed to make him nervous. A faint, red blush grew on his face but I held eye contact with him.

"Narancia, you're not associated with the mafia, are you?" I asked as innocently as I could. He looked at me now with a bit of shock in his eyes. I could almost see how he was trying to figure out how to answer. Judging by his reaction, I'm probably right.

"I- I'm not supposed to- I'm not-"

"It's okay. Just be careful, will you?" I smiled at him but he was still shocked.

"How did you find out?" He asked me.

"Well, I noticed a few things here and there that seemed to match with the rumors."


"I know I'm not supposed to know..."

"Don't worry, you should ask Bucciarati or Giorno about it, though. I'm sure they know what to say." He laughed a bit nervously and put a hand on his neck. I smiled back at him. He's adorable, truly.


When everyone got back home, Narancia and I had pretty much just done nothing all day. We just talked about this and that, not really bothering to do anything special. The first person I met once they were home was Giorno, so I figured I'd ask him about it.

"Hey, Giorno..." He looked up at me from his book. "So, don't blame Narancia or anything... Like, it's not his fault... I swear I found out by myself..."

"You know."

"...I know."

"Please, follow me." He said and led me to what seemed to be his office. The house is big, I wouldn't be surprised if all of them had their own offices. I sat down on a couch in his room, and he joined next to me.

"Like I said, it's not Narancia's fault. He just confirmed my suspicion."

"So you figured it out on your own? That makes sense... You seem like a smart girl." He smiled at me, and I listened to him explain how they were apart of something called Passione, and how he was the Don. It seemed like he left something out, but I didn't want to force it out of him.

"So you're all part of the same team then?"

"Yes, Bucciarati and Mista are my right-hand men. The rest are just part of the team itself."

"Wow... That's incredible! Should I even be here? It seems like the type of business civilians shouldn't be aware of."

"Don't worry, Y/N, most people in Italy are somewhat aware of Passione's existence." I nodded in understanding. It was a lot of information, but I still couldn't help but feel relieved to know about it.

After our little talk, we walking downstairs. Giorno announced that I knew about everything, and everyone seemed a bit relieved.

"Can I tell her? Can I? Can I?" Narancia was extremely excited about something, and I couldn't help but giggle at his excitement.

"No, not yet." Giorno responded. Narancia got disappointed right away. I held back the urge to ask what it was. Right as everyone was about to scatter, I noticed Giorno and Trish eyeing each other, as if they wanted to talk but for some reason couldn't. I definitely needed a plan for that, but I couldn't do it alone.

That's when I got the plan.


"Hey, Narancia~" I called out. He was sitting alone in the living room.

"Oh, hey Y/N! What's up?" He looked up from what seemed to be some type of homework.

"Well, I have a question. Can we go somewhere to talk about something tomorrow?" His eyes lit up at first, until he got nervous.

"Sur- Wait, like, a date?" I definitely started blushing at that question.

"WHATNOOFCOURSENOT" I blurted out. "Uh- J-just a friendly hang out."

"Oh... Okay, sure." We looked at each other for a second, before I abruptly left the room.

Narancia's POV:

"So, you really missed an opportunity there." Mista's voice was heard from a corner of the room.

"Wha- NO IT WASN'T. WE'RE HANGING OUT. IT DOESN'T NEED TO BE A DATE." He just looked at me with a smirk on his face. "It's not like I even wanted it to be a date!"

"I never mentioned anything about a date, shithead." He left the room, still with that smirk on his face.


This was messy I'm sorryyyyy but I'm rewatching jojo part 1 AND I'm making a bunch of jojo edits on tiktok rn so my head be spinning round and round


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