Chapter Two

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-Chapter Two-
° Off Work °


Music filled the house as (Your Name) danced around, spinning and laughing to herself as she did her chores. Sweeping the hard wood floors, cleaning the dishes, doing laundry, and putting away crafting supplies were some of the tasks she was doing. Though she was keeping herself entertained, or rather distracted, she couldn't stop thinking about the wrong number that texted her during work. It's been three hours since she turned her phone off.

As she cleaned she kept an eye out for anything out of place, anything that seemed off. Though the efforts were coming up fruitless as there were no signs of forced entry and nothing missing. Her medicine cabinet didn't seem like it was rifled through but yet again she didn't pay attention to what direction the labels faced.

Reaching out to grab a bottle of ibuprofen she notices how empty it feels. Opening the bottle there are three pills left.

'Was it always this empty?'

Pouting she takes one to try to combat the headache. Setting the bottle down her hand knocks over a prescription for Ferosul. With no other sound than the bottle it self tumbling suspicion grew. picking the bottle up she shakes it to no rattling sound.

"Took my iron tablets huh?" (Your Name) mumbled setting the bottle on the counter.

Shaking her head the young woman makes her way out of the bathroom and down the hallway to turn the music down. Plopping down in the couch she grabs her purse and reaches for her phone in the side pocket only to notice it was not there.

Now alert (Your Name) starts to think only to pause, bringing her hand up to her mouth as a short cough leaves her. Remembering that she put her phone in the middle console of her car seats she stands.

"I am getting too forgetful about things.."

Grabbing the keys she exits the house, making her way to the driveway. The rain had dulled to a light sprinkle and pieces of blue sky could be seen through the warm grey clouds giving hope for the sun to shine through. A brisk wind cut straight through the clothing she wore causing chills to run through her spine.

(Your Name) was in no hurry to retrieve the device knowing that once it's turned on messages from, what was assumed to be, her stalker would flood in. As bad as it was to have these thoughts she kind of enjoyed the thought of someone being so interested in her. The concept of being so madly infatuated with someone made her heart swell with desire. Sadly she gets bored by the people she meets in real life and usually ended up falling in love with fictional characters from shows she watches, but even then her interest would slowly fade over time. No one's been able to keep her entertained for long.

Getting back inside she sat back down on the couch, more dignified this time. Turning her phone on and unlocking it sure enough the unknown number had sent quite a few messages, but she also had a missed call from her doctors office.

Listening to the voicemail left a sigh leaves her lips. "That's right, my appointment is coming up. I should probably call the pharmacy and refill my iron prescription. Might as well refill my other one too... I didn't even think to check how many are left or if there is any."

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