Another Day Off

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Lily POV
I wake up as i hear my clock ringing and screaming,i quickly turn it off. I realize i'm late,i sit on my bed and sneeze,my body suddenly shiver. What a cold night,i sneeze again. I get off from my bed and walk to the door. I open it and back off a little to see....Donnie? " Hey Lily,err just coming to check you. I hear you keep sneezing from my lab,you're okay?" Donnie ask with worry face. "I don't know*sneeze* i woke up this morning with my body shiver,*sneeze* and i keep sneezing since then." I say with my nose turning red,well i do sick. Donnie put his hand on my forehead and smile,"relax,just a normal cold,i think you should skip class today." Donnie then go to his lab,i follow him and...sneeze again,arghh."Another class skip? But,..*sneeze*"

"Are you sure getting in class with your eyes watery and your nose keep sneezing? I'm sure Master Splinter will ask you the same to skip class. I'll call April and tell her" Donnie look so care,i grin." Well,ok,but i'm going to school anyway tomorrow.No matter what happen." I exclaim"Got that princess,here take this" Donnie hand me a handkerchief and a jacket. I wear the jacket and then sneeze again,will this ever stop?my nose hurt..

Donnie sit on the chair and focuse to his computer back, i sit on a chair beside him and curl into a ball,it quite cold so i zipped up my jacket." What time is now?" I suddenly ask,i'm bored watching Donnie's eyes glued to the computer. "8:50, another 10 minutes before training." Donnie answer shortly. I keep stare to his computer....and sneeze.I lay my head on Donnie's table.Of course i won't lay my head on his shoulder! I love Leo ,not Donnie. I can sense you think i'm gonna lay my head on him,...right? I suddenly fall asleep without i realise.

Donnie POV
I keep my focuse on my computer when...i hear light snore,i turn to find Lily sleeping. I look at my clock in my computer, shows 5:58, i face Lily and shake his shoulder a little," Lily,hey Lily,it's almost time to practice,wake up." Lily then slowly open her eyes and rub it,i can hear she moan,"Already? But i just got a beautiful sleep." I smile and pull her off from her chair,"Come on,The others will be waiting for us."

We then head to the dojo where the others are already waiting,just as i expected,we arrive the last.Everyone stare to us,we then kneel down infront Master Splinter," Donatello,why Lily still here,shouldn't she's in school?" Master Splinter ask me in confuse,just the time i want to open my mouth,Lily sneeze,and sneeze,and sneeze.My,she really have a bad cold."She has cold Master Splinter,so i think she should wear off school today," i say and glare at Lily,her eyes begin to water. Master Splinter nod,today,i end up pratice hand-to-hand combat with Michey,and of course i win.Leo end with Raph,which made the result of Leo losing."Yame,Your skills are improving my son,that's all for today,you're all dismiss.Lily?" Everyone turn to Lily,she's meditating."Let just don't wake her up,Leonardo,save some breakfast for him." Master Splinter says as he walk out from the dojo to the kitchen.Leo bow to him"Ai sensei"(idunnohowtospellthat)

Lily POV
I open my eyes after i've done meditate,i realise i'm alone in the dojo.I stand up and walk out to the living room.Raph and Michey are playing video game,Leonardo is on the sofa,watching Raph and Michey.Donnie is nowhere to be seen,maybe he's in lab,obviously.My stomach suddenly growl in hunger,i walk to Leo and sit beside him,"Leo,i *sneeze*, i'm starving *sneeze*" i say as i cover my mouth with my handkerchief." I manage to save you some breakfast,before Michey at all of it" Leo narrow his eyes to Michey as he speak,Michey know that and he grin" Sorry Leo,i'm starving this morning." Michey say and Raph cut in,"yeah 'right', like you're hungry for 24 hours nonstopable." Michey push Raph by the shoulder with his elbow. "It's okay,as long there's something for me to keep from die of hunger" i then went off to kitchen,i heard some gigle at my back. As i enter,i saw a bowl of cereal with a note on it,

For Lily,
enjoy your breakfast!
P.s- Michey don't eat it,if i know,i'll crack your shell!
By Leonardo ^_^

I smile,and eat my breakfast happily. I still sneezing,will this cold ever stop? After i've had breakfast,i join the others at the living room. I saw Donnie behind Leo,at last,that professor finally get out from his lab. I sit beside Leo,as i sit,i sneeze."Gee,you really have a bad cold afterall,....wanna play games?" Michey suddenly ask and hand me the game controller,"Raph always win,i'm getting bored of it.At least when i play with you,i can win" Michwy says proudly.
"Oh really?...well,don't cry if iwin instead!" The game then start and i end up..............winning!
Yeah,me! Michey keep asking me for a rematch,so i just do him his favor. I end up playing game with Michey all day.

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