chapter 14 - a break

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Tw; death/ drowning.
Y/n and Kurt arrive before their bosses door.

K - Can you uncuff me now?

Y/n - mhhm, maybe?

K - for fuck sake y/n, just uncuff me.

Y/n - no thank you.

Y/n and Kurt enter the bosses room and y/n uncuffs Kurt.

K - finally.

Kurt snatches the handcuffs.

K - your sometimes so annoying, y/n.

Y/n - that's what u have to deal with!

B - sit.

K and y/n - fine.

B - alright 2 day break for you guys just.. make sure you don't accidentally like - start a fight with each other. You'll need each other, especially with this job. It will only get harder.

Y/n - fine.

Y/n and Kurt walks to their cars.

K - well, I'll see you tomorrow.

Y/n - alright, bye!

*Skip to next day*

Y/n hears a knock on her door, but doesn't open.

Y/n's mind - must be Kurt. Don't want to bother him anymore.

Y/n's bodyguard opens.

K - is y/n home?

Y/n's bodyguard - why else would I be here?

Y/n realizes Kurt is at the door and quickly puts on some clothes, then runs to the door.

Y/n's bodyguard - I see you've heard us.

Y/n - uhh ye, hey bodyguard, why don't you take a break tomorrow?

Y/n's bodyguard - sure.

K - hey y/n, want to go swimming?

Y/n - sure.

K - I'll drive.

Y/n - alright then

Y/n gets in the car and Kurt drives them to the beach.

Y/n - see you soon

Y/n and Kurt get changed.

Y/n's mind - gosh, just get this over with.

K - Y/n? R u alright?

Y/n - uhh, ye! Totally fine! I just remembered tho, I have to get home at 5.

K - oh alright, it's still 4 hours tho so we have our time :)

Y/n - yep..

Y/n exits the changing stall in a bathing suit.

K - come on! Let's go!

Kurt grabs y/n's hand and runs into the water.

K - r u sure you're fine, y/n? You're kind of quiet.

Y/n - ye I'm sure! It's just hard to talk underwater.

Y/n tries to laugh it off.

K - alright then.

Kurt realizes y/n is staying underwater a little too long, and goes underwater to search for y/n.

Kurt sees y/n, with her eyes closed.

K's mind - shit! Shit!

Kurt brings y/n on land and yells.

K - Anyone!? Is there a lifeguard! Help! Call 911!

Y/n wakes up the same day, at 4:54

Y/n - shit! I gotta go! I feel fine!

Lifeguard - u sure?

Y/n - ye im sure :)

K - I'll drive you!

Y/n - oh dw! No need!

K - I insist.

Kurt drives y/n home and y/n arrives at home at 4:58

Y/n - thanks.. bye!!

*Skip to next free day at 3:56 in the morning*

Y/n - finally, peace. No bodyguard, And no Kurt.

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