chapter 13 - target 1. (and 2)

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Tw; murder!
B - Okay, back to work you guys go. The cars are in front of the building. Your bodyguards will take you there, of course tho. They will not come with you.

Y/n - what even is this? Some movie?

B - just get to work.

Y/n - fine.

Y/n and Kurt both go to their cars.

Y/n - bye Kurt!! Watch the road and be careful because u got killed twice if it wasn't for me!!

Y/n says with a sarcastic voice, but does mean it in some way.

K - of course of course, how many times am I gonna hear that?

Y/n - a lot.

Bodyguards - get to work.

Y/n and K - fine

Y/n and Kurt get in their cars and start driving.

Y/n pov.

Y/n arrives at her first target.

Y/n - hii!! I'm y/n and I'll be your spree driver today! Where to?

T1 - Hello. ---- park, please.

Y/n - alright then.

Y/n looks at her dash cam, which target 1 did not realize was pointed at him. Y/n then looks around if they has a gun in her dashboard, sadly. They forgot the gun. Plan 2 - more brute force.

T1 - Sorry to underestimate your navigation skills but this is the wrong way.

Y/n - oh, this is a shortcut. Don't worry.

Y/n thinks about a weapon. It is only then, that y/n realizes they have a butterfly knife in their pocket.

They arrive at the park.

T1 - thank you!

Y/n grabs their (live) phone and gets out the car, puts on a dark hoodie. And gets out the butterfly knife.

Y/n gets out the car, walks to the target and stabs the target in his back, pulls it out, flips him around and stabs him an extra 3 times.

Y/n - sorry dude, need the cash tho.

T1 - I- thought-..

Y/n - looks can deceive.

Kurt pov.

Kurt arrives at his target. (Which is t2)

K - Hello, I am Kurt and I will be your spree driver today.

Kurt just wants to get it over with.

T2 - to --- street, please.

K - alright then.

However, Kurt doesn't go to that street. Kurt just pulls into a random alley, and gets out the car. Before getting out he says

K - I am so sorry, I have to deal with something real quick.

However, Kurt walked around, opened the door and stabbed him in his stomach 6 times. Kurt hides the body in his basement and heads to get a shower. He gets under the shower, covered in blood and starts streaming.

Y/n enters the live.

Kurt realizes there's 100 people in the stream and bounces around a bit.

K - yes hello! Hi you guys! You're watching me! Yes you, you're watching me!

Kurt finishes showering and meets y/n at the office.

Y/n - I see, you're not dead yet.

K - of course not, c'mon you know me.

Y/n - Well, let's catch up, how'd it go?

K - as the usual, to be honest I just pulled in an alleyway next to my apartment and stabbed him. Then went to take a shower, as you saw.

Y/n - wait- u saw me in ur stream? Oh sh-

K - What, did u not want to get spotted in between those people? Too bad.

Y/n - I- uhh-

Kurt starts laughing at how nervous you are.

Y/n - hey! It's not funny!

Y/n grabs the handcuffs out of their purse.

Y/n - I bet you forgot.

K - wait! No- Don't!

Kurt starts running and runs into and alleyway, but runs into a fence.

K - Sh1t, I can't climb.

Y/n - wait, u can't climb?

Y/n starts laughing, with the handcuffs still in their hands.

Kurt sees his chance and grabs the handcuffs and handcuffs y/n to the fence.

Y/n - Hey! You- Idiot!

Y/n says the first words normally, but yells idiot.

K - Look at you now!

Kurt starts laughing, but gets a straight face as soon as he realizes y/n still has their purse.

K - hey uhh- can I uhh- have your purse?

Y/n starts snorting, then bursts out in laughter.

Y/n - Y- forgot the purse! Hahaha!

Y/n grabs the keys and rapidly sprints towards Kurt, as soon as they are free.

Y/n jumps on Kurt.

K - Hey! Unfair!

Y/n handcuffs Kurt's hands behind his back.

Y/n - well, let's get to boss.

Y/n and Kurt walk in the building.

Kurt Kunkle (angst!)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα