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lazy mornings are great. but lazy morning with him seem somehow better.

despite their objections eventually slider came and knocked on the door telling aubrey and ice, they were gonna be late for the volleyball game.

aubrey wasn't planning on playing volleyball later but she would always be happy to join in.

tom and slider played against mav and goose the game being pretty even as they were both equally skilled. every time ice scored a point he would wink at aubrey and smile. she was sat on the sideline next to james who was keeping score on a whiteboard he brought with specially. (he was very excited to have the job of scoring.)

mav kept checking his watch which did make aubrey think he either had a date with charlie or was seeing someone else. besides, his head was totally out of the game leading ice and slider to win the game.

mav went to put a shirt on and goose followed him begging him to keep playing "cmon do it for me" he said . but mav was already walking.

meanwhile ice and slider were ridiculing goose from the other side, so aubrey got up and said to goose," i'll play" goose face lit up. "lets go beat those bitches" goose said high-fiving the shorter girl.

"lets play boys" she says taking off ice's flannel, leaving her in her bikini top and jean shorts. "cmon that's unfair. lover boy over here's not gonna be able to take his eyes off her" slider groaned.

"i'm sorry is there a problem with what i decide to wear and do with my body?"

slider sucks in a breath answering a hasty "no" clearly intimidated by the woman standing with her hands on her hips unimpressed by his statement.

they began playing and aubrey made sure to catch slider out in the most embarrassing ways possible. she wasn't going to be putting up with any misogyny. being in the industry that she is- that is exceedingly difficult as her life practically comes with a side of sexist comments.

the game went on and eventually they were tied on points. "hold up- so next point wins. how bout we play for something" ice suggests. "what do you have in my lieutenant?" aubrey said smirking up at the man she spent the morning laying beside.

"i say, if you win i do whatever you want but if we win you buy me a drink tomorrow night" ice said, smirking his infamous smirk. "deal." i said shaking his hand. "alright lover birds are we done let's play volleyball" goose said, coming up behind aubrey ruffling her hair as she slapped his hand away. "not the hair." she stated staring him dead in the eye.

they got playing and they were just keeping a rally going when goose set up a shit for her she took it and they scored. aubrey jumped into goose's arms and wrapped her arms around his torso yelling and scrubbing his hair around "yes goosey!" she cheered.

she got down and went over to slider and ice. she shook their hands before she stood on he tip-toes and whispered in ice's ear, "we still on for drinks tomorrow night?" she said, smiling. the smile said everything tom needed to know. that's what she wanted, that's what she was fighting that final volleyball point for. the same thing that he wanted.

"of course, darling. but don't forget our date later?" ice said. "how could i forget?" she said leaning upwards and pecking his lips before turning to leave. "meet me back at yours in 20" she called over her shoulder.

some girl she is

an// i am so so so so sorry i haven't uploaded in a while i've been out of town. but i'm back in business folks! and also sorry this chapter is v short- just wanted to put something out for you guys! xoxo

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