Library of the Plum Blossom Saint

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The plums once fall to the ground but as long as the tree is standing, the plums will still bloom. To prove the tree's strength, it must pass the cold winter. 

After the warm welcome of the new recruits at the mount hua, 3 weeks has passed and the white snow covers the ground. 


Chung Myung holds a shovel and start shoveling the snow in the path.  As to be expected a martial artist is ten times of a normal person, if you also add his name as the undefeatable champion. He was one hundred times better than a normal human. 


White clouds form in his breathe. "Hey! Hurry up! I'm finished here!" he shouted in another direction. "About to finish!" "Hurry up!" 

Baek Chun and Lee Songbaek was also shoveling the thick snow. 

In this past weeks they get used at his loudmouth. Also in this past weeks they was under a heavy training. 

If you've compared the training they receive at that brat to the Zhongnan, it won't even reach a half. Just which crazy man will train their disciples as much as they want even they were one step to death. Surely if there is then the disciples might have plan to kill that man. But in this case they can't, they goes here to be stronger so they have no right to complain. 

Yu Iseul and Baek Sang walk towards them bringing their shovels. "We've finished our part" "Since you're the last, you should be the one to cook for dinner" He said looking at Baek Chun. Even thought... they were taught house works by this brat too. It was really okay for them as long as they weren't the cook. This kid was quite sensitive at foods. He will roast them to death if they didn't cook a delicious meal. He would rather increase his training by tenfold than to be this kid's cook. 

"Why me!? Lee Songbaek was also there!" 

"He would buy me alcohol"

'We're only few here yet you still have a favorite!'

But they can't do anything to it. Noticing Baek Cheon's glare Chung Myung glared back. "Hurry up there, I'm hungry"
A vein of anger almost pop to his head.

"I got it! I got it!"
"Lee Sahyung, buy as much as you can then return at 7 at night. We will have a training altogether"
"Training at night? Is there something new?" Baek Sang asked.

"We will increase the training a bit for a week before I will check your progressions"

Check? In what way?

They asked that to themselves but in reality they don't want to know the answer because they were sure it was something.

"What kind of checking?"
And yet Yu Iseul still asked. I respect your bravery Yu Sasuk.

"You'll know, but who able to pass there will be allowed to enter at the library"
They think deeply. This brat has only taught them of simple stuffs and haven't reach them how to bloom a plum in the sword nor any type of techniques except for beginners.
"Just to spice things up, the library was created by the Plum blossom saint himself!"

Naturally Chung Myung isn't the onw to say his past nickname as the plum blossom saint but seeing determination in these brats eyes is truly interesting.

He turned around and his expression changes. 'It will be a good experience of getting their determination break even once'
A wicked smile or rather devilish smile appear at his face, but it wasn't noticed by others because they were only focused at his earlier words.

'Library of the plum blossom saint!!! This is a one in life time experience!'

If we're gonna talk about the plum blossom saint. Surely many old techniques was there! Maybe even his life or even his knowledge! I should pass to that checking no matter what!

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