I need Money!

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Chung Myung was not holding a broom for once in a decades. In his past life he only hold a cleaning material every time his Sahyung punished him for something. 

"But not since I'm a diligent man I will do it for the sect"

-"When did you become a diligent man?"

"I'm talking to myself right now! Shoo!" he swayed away his non-existent Sahyung and continue cleaning. 

Sweeping the floor with broom and cleaning the things with a brush was truly irritating for him. I gotta finish this till noon to start my practice!

With determination he able to finish cleaning in the sunset and had a small break. 'D*mn this body! In my past life even if I clean the whole sect it will only take few minutes!' 

Growling at the result he stand and look at the couple of clothes. It was no simple clothes, it was the mount hua's uniform. After all those years these uniforms stay strong too. Chung Myung was a little glad these survive because he can't imagine himself sewing these clothes, but actually even it wasn't here he won't bother to create one. 

Well then... Let's start my daily training!!!

Without wasting a time he immediately start his training. Obviously this kind of training was too much for his body but that's the reason he do all of this, to surpass his limits and get stronger as fast as possible. 

In Chung Myung's plan he need money very much that's why he needs to learn a basic way of gaining food. Planting. After a hell of dust and surpassing his limits he start cropping plants. He might not very good at agriculture but he buys a book which take him hours to decide. He start hoeing the soil and placing seeds with distance as what the book says. But seriously he want meat not vegetables and fruits! Being born as a beggar gives you freedom but more disadvantages too!

Not only he plant for food he also plant some plum blossom trees next to the remaining one.

-"Didn't expect you to use your brain"

Shut it

No need to rush... Blooming was important. 

After of five weeks repeating cycle: Cleaning, farming, talking to some imaginary ghost and training. His cress plants already grew enough to eat,and almost every of his crops was ready to get sold. But the important thing right now is... It's time to go down below and gain some money!

His plan today was...

Sell some things he don't need

Sell some plants too!

Check the city for more goods he will need

Find a way of gaining money! 

Particularly every single one in the list is about money except for...

Buy a meat!

Chung Myung really wanted to puke in every time he eat vegetables that's why it was his main need. He doesn't need any disciples for now, because he will find some if he find someone benefiting for the tittle! 

He wear a robe covering his uniform and carry a big basket of goods. He never imagine himself the plum blossom saint carrying a basket for money. 

He goes down in any moment and look around. Chung Myung was proud at his sociability skills and even thought it was his first time selling goods outside mount hua he able to sell every single fruits and vegetables he had .

' Something was wrong '
Chung Myung immediately knew it. Because there's no way he was the only seller at the place, almost everyone he met was saying his price was too low compare to others that's why they gonna buy.

' Does the vegetables and fruits cost has increased? It's only been 90 years'

"Three of these please!" One of the costumer said. Chung Myung handed it and when the guy try to take it he didn't let it. "Hey, why is the price too high?"
"No wonder your vegetables were cheap you didn't came from here!"
"Yes,yes I didn't came here. Now answer"

The guy seems to hesitate a bit and look left and right before leaning to whisper at Chung Myung. "Many  of the merchants here was scum! They make the price higher by more than the other places. You should also be careful here child. Specially when the great elder Hwang was sick!"
"Elder Hwang?"
"Your still a brat so that might be the reason to not to know the greatest merchant here! He was a great man that said to be poison. Many poison expert, doctors, physician and many more come but no one able to cure him!"
"Hoh? That might be it. Then why does people still stay here?"
"Oh that? It because of the tournament, your still too young for that kid. You don't need to know"

As much as Chung Myung wanted to smash this guy's face he need more informations. Seriously there are always a reason to stop everytime he wanted to smash someone.

"Just tell me what is it!"
"Tsk, kid this days have no manners!"
' if only you know what is my age brat '
"Just answer it!"
"Okay, okay, child your curiousness was crazy! There's a tournament of power every night at the west part, they give you a bag of gold for every five wins! They come to participate or watch"
"...a bag of gold?"
"Every five wins?"

The guy felt cheeks after seeing Chung Myung's face turn into a devilish smile.
' This child was crazy '

"Any age?"
"They said anyone is allowed"
"What time?"
"9 in the night as they say"

Chung Myung look at the sky. It was most likely still 3 of the afternoon. He licked his lips with a smile.

'This night will truly be eventual for me'

"Thank you then, I will make sure to gain as much as money as I can!"
"Forget everything you heard mister"

When all of the goods he sell run outs he make his way back to mount hua and dress like a thief. With his face covered except for his eyes he can't be recognized by anyone.

Currently even though he was still five his body looks like seven because of the kind of techniques he use that even his bones grow and become harder.

It was still 4 or so, so that's mean he still has time. He run outside again from cliff to cliff and river to river. He needs to get there before the fight. When he reach a rock mountain he take out a rope with a blade at the end.

' Let's make some precautionary measure first'

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