Naomi: You okay?

Herb: Never better.

Naomi: Herb i... I saw you disapear, after chasing after Nicholas.

Herb: Oh yeah...

Naomi: Flora told me that you were all pissed off with Patrick. Why is that?

Herb: Can't you see it?!

Naomi: Herb, you were rejected by Sissi since day one! Why do you keep chassing her, even after all that rejects you got?!

Herb: Why would you be worried?! It's not like you're even my friend!

Naomi backed off the moment Herb said that. She was so shocked with the words he said. She started tear up.

Herb: Huh?

Naomi: W-What do you... mean?

Herb: Why is it that you keep worring about me?!


Suddeny the two of them were cut short, when an ice beam came, and froze a tree besides them. They looked and there were three box like creatures. Two were yellow, and the thirs one was dark blue.

Herb: W-W-What the?!

The yellow monsters shooted lasers at them. They voided it. However, one of the Lasers shooted Naomi on the ankle. Herb being a scaredy cat, not even notecing, left has he was the only one there. The Blocks looked at Naomi, but left her. They had better targets to attack.

Naomi(thoughts): This monsters had that simbole... XANA...

Naomi looked, but saw that she was alone. She attemped to stand back up, but couldn't because of her ankle.

Naomi: OW!!! That idiot Herb... And i thought he was worth speeking to! That idiot...(pulls her phone)

On the School Patio, the Winx were talking about their Concert. Laura came in, looking for Bloom.

Laura: Bloom, we have an emergency!

Bloom: What is it?

Laura: XANA's on the move again!(shows her Ipad to Bloom) Activated Tower in the Desert Sector!(a phone rings)

Flora: Go on, Bloom, we'll deal with everything.(picks up) Naomi? ... Huh... WHAT?! Be right there!

Bloom: What's wrong?!

Flora: The moment Naomi was talking to Herb, they were attacked by box like monsters, with four XANA marks!

Bloom: Those are Blocks! XANA's teleporting monsters!

Flora: But that's lot all. She was hit on the ankle, and left alone with the Bloks. The Blocks left, but she can't walk! I'll go check on her!

Laura: Go on, you Winx protect the school! Bloom, let's go to the factory!

Bloom and Laura wen to the factory. Aelita's clone was comming out of the admnistartive building, after going to the library. She was surprised by a laser that missed her.

Clone: Huh?(looks ahead) Blocks!

Laura and Bloom entered the Lab, where William and Odd were. William was about to start a Self Virtualization. 

William: Laura, Bloom!

Laura: Get to the scanner room, i'll start the Virtualization process!

William, Bloom and Odd went to the Scanner Room. At Kadic, Jeremy, Yumi and Ulrich were coming to the admnistrative building, but they were cut short by a Phone call.

Code Lyoko Season 6जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें